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Thread: First Time Shaving ( Confused Experienced)

  1. #1
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    Default First Time Shaving ( Confused Experienced)

    So I recently bought my self a beginners kit from an online site. The Kit included a Dovo straight razor, Parker badger brush, Col. Ichabod Conk strop, and a Col. Ichabod Conk Stone (not sure of the grid). Pretty excited to have my own kit. I try emailing the online site to ask if the blade has been honed by and experience honer or if it was honed by the manufacture (did not get a Response, Its been about almost three weeks). When I finally came down to the actual shaving I did what the beginner forum said to do (start with the side burns only). I started with stropping the blade. Did about 30 to 50 strokes (on both sides of the strop). I kept the spine of the blade touching the strop at all times. I prepared my lather with a shaving soap from a local barber supplies shop (dont know the brand of the soap, its says VHD on it). Before I put on the lather, I first warmed up my face with nice warm water then I place the lather on my side burns. Then the shaving begin. I started with small shaves maybe about half inches down and I also try to measure a 30 degree angle as much as possible. Im not sure if it was my beard or the blade, but I started to feel pulling. Mind that my beard was somewhat long maybe about a quarter of an inch long or so. As I shaved down it wasnt too pleasant. I wasnt receiving the the feeling I wanted. The pulling hurt and my side burns started to kinda burn. It was cutting but not completely. I didnt stop shaving even if it was uncomfortable, I just wanted to get the complete feeling of shaving with a bad blade or the feeling of doing my shaving wrong (for my own experience). I dont really blame the blade. After finishing up my side burns with the Straight Razor, I finish my shave with my regular Gillette razor. While cleaning my kit I notice my blade was chipped. Im not sure if it chipped while shaving or stropping. The chipped wasnt their before. Need some advice on what was done wrong or if the blade wasnt properly hone..
    I also have a couple questions.
    1 - Is the blade a real Dovo?
    2- Does the blade look properly hone or how am I able to tell?
    3 - What grid is the stone?
    4- How might of the chip happen?
    5- Is the the badger brush a good one?
    6- If I have a Dovo Blade why is Col. Ichabod Conk stamped on it?

    Thank you guys ...
    sincerely datSrazordude...
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    Last edited by datSRazorDude; 02-20-2013 at 09:10 AM.

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Congrats on trying to start off on the right foot

    It is a Dovo
    Chips often times happen and we never remember what we touched, even to experienced people
    We don't know much about those Conk stones IIRC they are about 3k
    I will bet that the blade needs honing and did from the moment you bought it
    Honing is a matter of pride, and most of us that are good at it inculde a note that says "Honed By XXX " Yada Yada Yada
    I doubt that you can get a Great shaving edge off the Conk stone, in fact I doubt I could and I have honed a few razors

    Look I read your Intro post too and it seems you really tried hard to start off right if you want I will hone the razor for you, No Cost you, just handle the shipping, fire me a PM and we will set it up if you like...

    Welcome to SRP
    Last edited by gssixgun; 02-20-2013 at 09:23 AM.
    MickR, Kristian, BobH and 3 others like this.

  3. #3
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Yes, your razor would need honing by the sound of it. I just took off about a months worth of whiskers last night, and if anything it was easier than shaving off a days worth...I don't normally go so long without a shave, so it was a new experience for me. Take Glen up on his offer. You won't regret it!


  4. #4
    Senior Member Kaden101's Avatar
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    I'm far from experienced myself, but sideburns & cheeks are the easiest parts to shave. Even with a partially dull blade (from 2 months use, it was sharp when I got it, all the blood confirmed that) I didn't get pulling while doing that area of my face, I only came across trouble doing my chin, jawline & neck.

    You should take gssixgun up on his very generous offer. The level of local support you guys offer is astounding. Almost makes me wish I didn't live in England....almost.

  5. #5
    Junior Member steakandale's Avatar
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    I'm a photographer and I can't determine if it's really chipped from your photos.
    Only photo #2 shows a dark spot under the "od" in the word "products". Maybe that's just a dark spot.
    Pictures #5 nd 6 do not show a ding and have a clear glint all along the actual cutting edge. Were they taken before it was chipped?

    1 - Is the blade a real Dovo?
    Yes. I think it's just co-branded, etched with the brand name as well as the Dovo marks.

    2- Does the blade look properly hone or how am I able to tell?
    It is the factory hone. Most say that's not shave-ready.

    3 - What grid is the stone? No way to tell.
    You might be able to match it online to get a better description for a good guess.

    4- How might of the chip happen?
    Dinging it on the sink edge, the faucet gooseneck, or the strop hardware??

    5- Is the the badger brush a good one?
    Yes. Use it, then over time you can decide if you need any change, but it should do a great job. It's all black, Looks like "pure badger" type. "Best badger" and the silvertips are the levels above it. The next levels up will retain a bit more water and are softer, and more $$$.

    6- If I have a Dovo Blade why is Col. Ichabod Conk stamped on it? See #1.

    A good quality honing will eliminate any tiny chips and set that tool nice and shave-ready. 20-30$ well spent for a new blade.

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