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Thread: Borrow a shave ready razor

  1. #1
    Senior Member broger's Avatar
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    Default Borrow a shave ready razor

    Hello all,

    I am going to ask the help of the good folks here at SRP. Is there anyway someone here would be kind enough to send me a honed, more-than-capable-of-shaving razor? I want to compare with my current razor to see if my razor is slightly tugging because I have yet to perfect my technique, or if it needs refreshing/or maybe re honing. I understand that in an unexperienced hand, a shave ready razor can become quite dull within a short period of time. Have been shaving almost a month. Shave every third day (all the older gentlemen can go ahead and laugh, I am only 20, not Grizzly Adams).
    Points of Interest:
    2. Reimbursement for initial shipping will be sent along with the razor when I return it
    3. Razor will only be kept a few days (4 max) upon receipt
    4. I would prefer (if possible) if the razor has been stropped more than sufficiently. This is too take my lack of stropping experience variable out of the equation

    I basically want to compare the two razors and see where mine is at. I will also be looking at the two under a microscope to start learning what a shave ready razor looks like and what a razor that might need a few strokes on CrOx looks like compared to shave ready. Please PM me if you are willing to help. Thanks in advance.
    EDIT: If it would make people feel more comfortable, I can mail them the initial mailing cost(would only cost one envelope and stamp) and some safety deposit amount as collateral for their razor.

    Last edited by broger; 02-20-2013 at 01:49 PM.

  2. #2
    ace is offline
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    I'm game, with conditions. The last razor I sent off to someone to try came back so rusted up it cost me $75 to restore it. I'll consider, depending upon your location.

  3. #3
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    Ditto, be sure to let us know where you're at. Also, providing that in your info under your avatar on your posts will also get you much quicker responses, cutting out all the email tag and all. Provided the above, let us know where you are, and I am sure one of us here will be able to get one to you pretty quickly.
    Mastering implies there is nothing more for you to learn of something... I prefer proficient enough to not totally screw it up.

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  5. #4
    Senior Member broger's Avatar
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    I am in Knoxville, TN. The eastern part of the state for those who don't know their US Geography

  6. #5
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I don't imply that you have bad intentions, but would you send a valuable item to a random stranger who asked you on the internet?

    The normal procedure would be to pay the shipping up front, and also send an amount of money in 'bond', to be returned when the razor is in good condition. that places the risk of the transaction on your shoulders. Because if something happens to the razor, there will be a discussion about responsibility and cost. And from past experiences here on site, the owner gets nothing or only a fraction of what the razor is worth.

    Since you are the asking party, that is exactly where the risk should be. With you, not the owner.

    This may sound a bit harsh, but I've seen enough people who loaned things to a new member, only to get it back either damaged, or not at all. If you want a razor, you should carry the risk of the transaction.
    Last edited by Bruno; 02-20-2013 at 04:36 PM.
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  7. #6
    Senior Member broger's Avatar
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    With all do respect kind sir, I believe if you go back to my post and give a sufficient skim you will find something to the effect of:
    EDIT: I can send the shipping money up front along with some sort of safety deposit amount as collateral for his/her razor.
    I made this edit when I first made the post before it was ever viewed by anyone.
    Bruno and nun2sharp like this.

  8. #7
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    My apologies. I didn't catch that because it was separate from the part where you mentioned the return mail. In that case it's perfectly fine.

    Just one thing: if you have paypal, that's what (almost) everyone here uses for money transactions. That would be easier for you than mailing money or money orders.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

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