Having at least two is very common. But, don't buy razors faster than your pocket book can enjoy them. Like every other toy in life it's really the wanting and not the acquiring that is fun . . . and even then it's really the play that is fun, not even the wanting or the acquiring.

But, as you can afford them . . . that can be fun.

Until then stop moving the razor sideways on your face or using timid motions. Hold the razor securely but keep you finger pliant so the razor has the opportunity to stall against facial obstacles. What works for me is to hold the razor lightly, but make fluid purposeful motions with my arm. I tend to make strokes so lightly that my objective is to only use enough pressure to shave the whiskers, not touch the skin.

If the razor isn't honed and stropped perfectly it's almost impossible to get the right stroke down. The razor won't function correctly and you'll be using too much pressure. Also, consider just getting some help in that arena.