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  1. #1
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    Default Which Strop to buy?

    I am shopping around for a good beginners strop that won't break the bank. I am sure they all will get the job done but I am sure that there could be differences in leather quality.

    I narrowed it down to these three

    1) The filly $22 RupRazor - The Filly
    2) 2" leather strop $15 2" Leather Strop
    3) 3" leather strop $37 The big daddy 3" "Bid Daddy" Leather Strop
    4) Poor mans strop kit $23 Whipped Dog Straight Razor Shaving Equipment

  2. #2
    "Hey! Captain Kirk is the man...!" suits123's Avatar
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    I don't think you can replace it with a 3". But you will be fine especially learning on the 2". And best of all you can buy replacement 2"

    "If you have one bag of stones you don't have three." -JPC

  3. #3
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    Spend the extra bones and get the 3" SRD latigo. Its excellent quality, and the best part, if you damage it, or want to try another leather, Lynn and Don sell pre-cut replacements with the mounting holes punched in. Takes 2 minutes to swap one out, and they sell pre cut linens and pressed wool as well. You can have a lot of options later on without buying a whole new strop system everytime.
    Mastering implies there is nothing more for you to learn of something... I prefer proficient enough to not totally screw it up.

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