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Thread: How much to pay for a refurbished vintage razor?

  1. #1
    Dye is offline
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    Default How much to pay for a refurbished vintage razor?

    I'm looking at a J A Henckels Twin Works 415. I was curious what you guys think is reasonable for a refurbished vintage razor or this type? Personally I think it's a beautiful razor. The one I'm interested in looks very much like this:

    All opinions and information are welcome. If you personally own one, I'd be interested in your experience with it as well.

  2. #2
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Would love to help you out but valuations are just bad. if you and the seller can agree on a value then you have a fair price. you could check ebay for completed listings to see what they have sold for in the past.

    as far as the razor goes, properly honed it will give you a great shave, but so them will many others. it all comes down to your desires.

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  3. #3
    Dye is offline
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    Well that's the issue, I don't know what a fair price would be for an excellent condition Henckel Twin Works 415. I can check ebay's past listings, perhaps that would give me an idea. Still wouldn't mind some opinions on what any members would feel a fair price would be though. Not going to take it as set in stone, but I'm sure some of you have quite a collection and have an idea what a good price would be, or at least you feel would be personally. Thanks

    After looking on ebay and some for sale listings on various sites, it seems that they range anywhere from $10 to $330, but then again quality is varying wildly as well as the price. I personally see $320 as way high, but maybe I'm wrong.
    Last edited by Dye; 03-04-2013 at 01:36 PM.

  4. #4
    Just a guy with free time.
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    It's against forum policy to do a valuation. Sorry.

    FWIW, I'll look at the link later and Private Message you what I think I would pay for it. But I have to go to work now. And also, what I would pay, and what someone else might pay, could be drastically different numbers.

    I think another good starting point for your price research would be the classifieds here on SRP. That way you are comparing against shave ready razors. And it'll add a little perspective to purchases of razors that aren't shave ready.

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  6. #5
    Dye is offline
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    I apologize for asking about valuation then. I didn't realize. I should peruse the rules again before making posts. I assume that PMs with a valuation opinion is not against the rules, so those are welcome from anyone. I also understand that what one person would pay and what another may say is fair can be all across the board, but that's why they're just opinions. Gives me an idea of how people look at purchasing a vintage blade. Anyhow thanks to those who posted and for correcting my mistake.

  7. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You can discuss the worth of a razor in general terms but no money. You just have to factor in the condition and appearance along with brand recognition. Just look at Eboy and our own classifieds and vendor listings and you'll soon be an expert at estimating the value in a razor.
    Lynn, JimmyHAD and Dye like this.
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