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Thread: Newbie looking to switch over

  1. #1
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    Default Newbie looking to switch over

    Hello, after a year of thinking about it and financially able, I'm ready to switch over to a straight razor. A little bit about myself. For the past 8 yrs I've been using a DE. I usually shave my head and face every other day to 3 days. Now for the past 3 months I been trying to keep and maintain a beard and it's hard with the DE plus I've been ready to make a change. My pre shave consist of me using a face scrub while in the shower, after I use a pre-shave oil, lather up with shaving cream using my badger brush, followed by post shave lotion. Do i pretty much keep the same routine and can you recommend a good beginner saftey razor set. I was looking to spend between $200 - $350. Your help and advice is greatly appreciated. I'm excited to join the straight razor family, looking to purchase it by next week. Thanks in advance!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!

    You can use the same prep with a straight as you use for a DE so that should be no problem.

    For a set I'd look for something with and inexpensive razor and a strop wider than two inches. A sub 100$ razor gives you an idea if you like straights without spending alot. And later when you learn honing, you don't have to do it on a fancy blade. The 3 inch strop will be easier to learn on.

    SRD has the Dovo Best quality, and for a small upgrade you can get a 3 inch strop. There are a few other sets near that price range too. That's just an example. Plenty of other shaving sites, like classicshaving, etc.

    Last edited by mjsorkin; 03-12-2013 at 08:56 PM.
    bcartel32 likes this.

  3. #3
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    Thanks Michael. I know I made an adjustment going from a mach 3 to DE. I had the progress for about 6 month until I upgrade to Merkur Futur and been using that every since. I was looking for a straight razor that I can learn on and keep for a while. I just so happened to received a lil bonous from my job, so while I had the money I wanted to invest in a straight razor that is good for a newbie yet I wouldn't have to worry about upgrading for a while.

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    Thanks, that was a big help. As I mention before I shave my face and head. And I know it will be an adjustment period for me but when do you strop? Is it after you shave or before? And because I do my face and head, do I need to strop after my face before I start on the head? When should I have the professional honing. Every six months? I feel like a kid in a candy store, I'm real excited about purchasing and start using a straight razor.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Katan2212's Avatar
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    I agree with starting with a dove best quality. I started on that and thought it was a great razor.. If you end up getting hooked on it than maybe down the road you can venture out on some bigger brands.. Welcome to SRP. cheers
    It’s never too late to be the man you were meant to be

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bcartel32 View Post
    Thanks, that was a big help. As I mention before I shave my face and head. And I know it will be an adjustment period for me but when do you strop? Is it after you shave or before? And because I do my face and head, do I need to strop after my face before I start on the head? When should I have the professional honing. Every six months? I feel like a kid in a candy store, I'm real excited about purchasing and start using a straight razor.
    Always strop first.

    If you are shaving a lot of hair/whiskers you may find that you need to strop a couple times in
    the middle of a shave or shave with a pair or razors (presidential style). Some faces
    have difficult whiskers and stropping between passes is a win. These are the folk that
    toss a DE or tossable after one shave.

    It is a common practice to strop lightly after the shave. The visit to a strop after
    shaving can clean (canvas) and lightly oil (leather) the edge. Five and five is
    all you need for this.

    Hone when almost dull. And Yes knowing when to hone is a super good question.
    Yes, a good question with any blade including DE and tossable razors. Some people hone
    very lightly but often. Others hone less often once or three times a year. The preference
    is very personal and reflects the face and likes of the shaver.

    Me I tend to hone often weekly or monthly but on a very fine 12K hone. I also have a lot
    of razors in my rotation so a razor that has been idle for two months gets a visit to
    a 4k or 8k and then is finished at 10/12/16K depending on the hones I am using.
    Barber hones work best for me with a very limited four to six licks once a week.

    PS: never shaved my head... Start with the easy bits and work your way back.
    Last edited by niftyshaving; 03-13-2013 at 12:34 AM.

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