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Thread: I'm having troubles :/

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  1. #1 JOB15's Avatar
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    Default I'm having troubles :/

    Hi, i need some advise please.
    I was given a new Dovo for my birthday, its a 5/8 and im guessing its a full grind. The blade is a modest wedge.
    The shop that sold it said it was shave ready, so i tried to shave with it but it just tugged at my hairs and wasnt what i expected. I then sent it to The Invisible Edge for honing. I received it back after 3 long ,full weeks and had a shave . It seemed a bit sharper but still not surgical and being only my second shave how could i really judge how these blades should be. It was no where near the sharpness of my feather blades DE.
    Today i tried another shave and after about 10 strokes on my cheek without removing all the hair, i gave up.
    I jumped on my bike a drove to my brothers house, a good 40 miles away.
    I showed him my shaving technique with my Dovo. He then tried to shave with it and straight away said it wasnt me it was the blade. He got out his new Spartacus whatever blade and gave it to me for a try. Bingo clean crisp hair removal. Thats how it should be.
    So, he gave my blade a go on his Norton stones and still it was not as sharp as it should be.
    The dovo cost £180 . Is that just money thrown away? Is it because of the grind or the make?
    Do i have to find £250 for a Spartacus like my brothers before i get a decent shave?
    I'd like to hear what you think.. Many Thanks...
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  2. #2
    Poor Fit
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    Seems strange, that Dovo should shave just fine and I've only heard good things about The Invisible edge. I'd advise that you send it back to them to see what they can do, but now that your brother has had a go at honing it they probably aren't going to do much for you.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Krusty01's Avatar
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    I have two Dovo razors, the both give great shaves. One is a Best Quality and the other a Flowing. I use the cheaper Best Quality everyday with no problems.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member moehal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krusty01 View Post
    I have two Dovo razors, the both give great shaves. One is a Best Quality and the other a Flowing. I use the cheaper Best Quality everyday with no problems.

    im going to agree with you on that. just had a bq shave after a long week of sheffield wedges and it feels amazing!

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Lots of people use razors bought used for less than $50.00, gave them a clean and hone and they shave as well as high priced new ones. No, I don't think throwing money at a new more expensive razor is the solution.
    When you got it back from being honed did you strop it before your first shave? If you did you really don't know what the blade was actually like when you got it back. If you are new to straights and stropping you may have degraded the edge by stropping it.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  6. #6 JOB15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Lots of people use razors bought used for less than $50.00, gave them a clean and hone and they shave as well as high priced new ones. No, I don't think throwing money at a new more expensive razor is the solution.
    When you got it back from being honed did you strop it before your first shave? If you did you really don't know what the blade was actually like when you got it back. If you are new to straights and stropping you may have degraded the edge by stropping it.

    Hi, thanks for the comments. I didnt strop the blade before use after it was honed because i think the invisible edge informed me that it was honed and stropped.
    Its baffling, i know.

  7. #7 JOB15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catrentshaving View Post
    Seems strange, that Dovo should shave just fine and I've only heard good things about The Invisible edge. I'd advise that you send it back to them to see what they can do, but now that your brother has had a go at honing it they probably aren't going to do much for you.
    I think the blade is incapable of becoming surgically sharp. It came shave ready and the invisible edge probably did a fine job on it.
    I have just bought a Baxters of California blue steel razor . Ill pack up the Dovo and forget about it, i've wasted enough time, effort and cash on it already.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOB15 View Post
    I think the blade is incapable of becoming surgically sharp. It came shave ready and the invisible edge probably did a fine job on it.
    I have just bought a Baxters of California blue steel razor . Ill pack up the Dovo and forget about it, i've wasted enough time, effort and cash on it already.
    Pack it up and send it my way if you are just going to forget about it.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    Heck I Will Pay For Shipping....
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chevhead View Post
    Heck I Will Pay For Shipping....
    Thank you, I may hold you to that.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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