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Thread: I'm having troubles :/

  1. #11 JOB15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Lots of people use razors bought used for less than $50.00, gave them a clean and hone and they shave as well as high priced new ones. No, I don't think throwing money at a new more expensive razor is the solution.
    When you got it back from being honed did you strop it before your first shave? If you did you really don't know what the blade was actually like when you got it back. If you are new to straights and stropping you may have degraded the edge by stropping it.

    Hi, thanks for the comments. I didnt strop the blade before use after it was honed because i think the invisible edge informed me that it was honed and stropped.
    Its baffling, i know.

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grazor View Post
    It is quite possible you rolled the edge with your strop, i would send it out to be pro honed, and try again without stropping it.
    Now that is a way too sensible idea. Don't mind me, slow Sunday just having some fun

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  3. #13
    Senior Member kwlfca's Avatar
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    Above all, don't give up. It can be frustrating, sure, but anyone will tell you that there is a huge learning curve, especially when you have no frame of reference. Trust me, I'm in the exact same boat as you so I know how you feel. Have you read Lynn's article on the first shave? First straight razor shave - Straight Razor Place Wiki
    Have patience. I can't get a close shave either, but still make progress and learn every time that I shave. Do what Lynn recommends, shaving from the side burn line to the jaw bone, and then finish your shave with a regular razor.
    Again, don't give up! There are countless people here to help and support you in your endeavor!

  4. #14
    Senior Member moehal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krusty01 View Post
    I have two Dovo razors, the both give great shaves. One is a Best Quality and the other a Flowing. I use the cheaper Best Quality everyday with no problems.

    im going to agree with you on that. just had a bq shave after a long week of sheffield wedges and it feels amazing!

  5. #15 JOB15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kwlfca View Post
    Above all, don't give up. It can be frustrating, sure, but anyone will tell you that there is a huge learning curve, especially when you have no frame of reference. Trust me, I'm in the exact same boat as you so I know how you feel. Have you read Lynn's article on the first shave? First straight razor shave - Straight Razor Place Wiki
    Have patience. I can't get a close shave either, but still make progress and learn every time that I shave. Do what Lynn recommends, shaving from the side burn line to the jaw bone, and then finish your shave with a regular razor.
    Again, don't give up! There are countless people here to help and support you in your endeavor!
    Its not a learning curve problem, i tried another razor today and it was perfect shaving close worlds apart from the Dovo. Its just blunt, even after pro honing.
    It is obvious that no one here has an answer. My bro has been using straight razors for time and has a large collection, he is bewildered too. He asked me to report back on what this forum had to say on the matter. I've already told him, they ait got a clue either

  6. #16
    Senior Member kwlfca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOB15 View Post
    Its not a learning curve problem, i tried another razor today and it was perfect shaving close worlds apart from the Dovo. Its just blunt, even after pro honing.
    It is obvious that no one here has an answer. My bro has been using straight razors for time and has a large collection, he is bewildered too. He asked me to report back on what this forum had to say on the matter. I've already told him, they ait got a clue either
    Ah, my mistake. Sounded as if you were giving up altogether! My 3/8" is seemingly a pain, even after careful stropping. Maybe once I get the razor shooter is sending me I'll have a far easier time as well! I just shaved again with the 3/8", mostly because I'm stubborn lol, and my face feels...not so nice haha I figure that I'll make due with what I have and experiment to try to get the best shave that I can from it. That's awesome that you were able to get a close shave

  7. #17
    Senior Member stonebraker's Avatar
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    If that dovo is not a warped blade, and you received it brand new it needs the attention of another honemeister IMHO. These things happen when buying from vendors. Since you have spent the money on the blade, i would try a different service. There is a likely chance it can be honed and you will love the shave. There are currently some of the best in the business in the classifieds for honing. I would try one of them and see if it can actually be honed. I am not bashing a vendor here, just saying you may want a second opinion of the situation. good luck friend.

  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    It wasn't your stropping as you later said you did not strop it before use and your technique is fine as the other razor shaved well. Check the razor for some physical defect like a bent tang or warped blade that would make honing difficult. There should be a reason that your bro can't get it honed up as I take it he maintains his own large collection. Some razors are just finicky and a PITA to home, maybe that is one of them. Remember that there is more than one thread on here about getting a brand new razor that was not shave ready out of the box so that is not uncommon or people have trouble getting one particular razor to hone up.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  9. #19
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    Did your brother try to shave with it? If he finds it unservicable after his own honing, whereas all his other razors are fine, it would sound like a manufacturing problem to me. Disclaimer: I don't know how often manufacturing problems occur with razors, but it's plausible to me.

  10. #20
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOB15 View Post
    Its not a learning curve problem, i tried another razor today and it was perfect shaving close worlds apart from the Dovo. Its just blunt, even after pro honing.
    It is obvious that no one here has an answer. My bro has been using straight razors for time and has a large collection, he is bewildered too. He asked me to report back on what this forum had to say on the matter. I've already told him, they ait got a clue either
    I can think of at least a few people on this forum who AREN'T clueless.

    This just seems like trolling to me.

    gooser, moehal, Kiel and 1 others like this.

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