i dont know but i think a weeper is a nick that "weeps" alot? so all weepers could be nicks but not all nicks could be weepers, that could depend on the area of your face that has received the nick...*waiting to be corrected*
i havent had a weeper, unless i actually cut myself deep then it wouldnt be considered a nick, only cut myself in the beginning of my shavette years.

Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
Funny, I will get the odd weeper from a dulling blade, not one that has been freshly honed or touched up. In fact that's usually a surefire sign that a blade needs some attention.

I also suspect that skin type is a factor as well. If you have tough leathery skin you're likely one of those that says you've never had a weeper lol.
is there a club for guys with tough leathery skin? i have one and id love to join