Quote Originally Posted by NickB View Post

My tip would be - Get into it how you can, but make a plan and recognise after reading and researching what your strategy is. I own a hot hatch, have over $15k in photography equipment (the other hobby) as well as saving for our first house, so I know that SR gear isn't something I should be throwing $400 nor could afford, but now I've been here a little while, I know how I'll progress. I recoginise that my equipment is below par, but if the shave is good and getting better with my stropping advancement, I know with a decent razor, better strop and loads more hands-on experience, it'll be the best thing I've ever done for my face.

Definitely get in however you can... I started with a shavette, the same as you, and a Van Der Hagen luxury set I found at my local Walgreens because it was inexpensive to start (plus I was going back and forth on SE or DE shaving and could use the blades for either). I actually started with the shavette over the DE razor, and was hooked. I've used the DE razor maybe twice to touch up and once in the shower when running late, so it's not a total waste, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the process and relaxing ritual of SE shaving and I feel it gives a better shave overall.

Quote Originally Posted by NickB View Post
Just to reiterate, don't forget the products - no matter how much your wife teases you for 'getting into skin-care'.
I dunno... seems like there's a joke in here somewhere about self medicating??