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  • 4 Post By edhewitt
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Thread: a big thank you

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Default a big thank you

    I have only recently considered straight shaving, and even more recently started shaving with a straight. Just wanted today a big thank you to all of the members who have offered advice and assistance already, but particularly Os, who has definately got me on the right track with a decent razor and heaps of advice.
    Hopefully I will be able to be helpful to new members eventually too.
    Last edited by edhewitt; 05-24-2013 at 01:04 AM. Reason: should read just not joust
    lz6, sharptonn, pfries and 1 others like this.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  2. #2
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    And that my friend is what it is all about,
    pass on what you can and help carry on a proud tradition,
    it will not be long before you have your own experience to pass on,
    that will be unique and no one else will have it.
    Yours may be what helps another.
    lz6, sharptonn and anthogia like this.
    It is just Whisker Whacking
    Relax and Enjoy!

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