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Thread: Why Do You Use a Straight Razor?

  1. #61
    Senior Member Tarkus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    I'm seeing a scary domino effect if someone treads too hard near those razors.
    Naah All the razors are resting on there own wire stand. But your original thought would be true. I walk like Godzilla. "Oh No There Goes Tokyo Here Comes Tarkus"
    onimaru55 and sharptonn like this.

  2. #62
    RazorBase DB application developer
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    I started straight shaving because I was fed up with everything about cartridge razors. I continued because I find beauty in tools that are perfectly designed to do one thing excellently, and because I like getting slowly better at a hard skill. (And because I like the smooth, clean feel after a shave. And, and, and...)

  3. #63
    Senior Member str8tlkr's Avatar
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    For the same reason that I drive a standard transmission (not an automatic), and fish primarily with baitcast reels (not spincast), and wear a mechanical self winding watch (not a quartz). There are easier alternatives out there but not necessarily better. The standard transmission and baitcast reels give me more control as does a straight razor. My mechanical watch will last many generations, as will my straight razor. I more often than not take the narrow, less traveled road...
    MickR, 73norton and Anthony42 like this.

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  5. #64
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    My reasons are the same as those posted above. I'm new to single blade shaving (either DE or SR [been using a shavette to work on technique and not worry about maintenance]), but I started "wet" shaving a while back using the multi-blade cartridges. Ranging from the pretty much typical Mach3 up to a free sample of a Schick Hydro 5, which is akin to dragging a cheese grater across your face.

    I am not a prolific shaver; at times, when I was younger, resembling Jesus. But my lifestyle and direction now requires me to shave more regularly, and with that wanted to try to reduce the amount of waste I would be creating, and make shaving more interesting, more fun. So now about all I generate for waste is either washed down the sink and the occasion blade/half blade in the trash.

    I did get a good shave from the Mach3s, but as mentioned above, if you're going to shave daily or some other schedule depending on your face, you're quickly going to blast through cartridges. So I was also looking for a more economical way. Economical is, of course, absolutely arbitrary based on the epidemic like onset of ADs. I, myself, have bought a shavette, 2 straights, a strop, and 2 DEs (a Gillette New Improved and a Fat-Tech) as well as a few different soaps to try out. All in all, it's about $150 I've spent, but that money is going to be stretched over a long period, rather than dropping $20/month or more. I mean think about it. A shavette has got to be one of the most economical ways to shave. Shavettes are available on eBay for less than $10 shipped, and usually come with 5-10 blades. 10 blades split in half is 20 blades. Roughly 3 shaves per blade, shaving every other day is going to give you about 20 weeks of shaves or 5months. Cheap blades like Derby and Lord can be purchased on eBay for $10 for a lot of 100 blades. So doing the math is 200 blades (split) so 200 weeks or 50 months of shaves and it costs $0.05/week (not accounting for soaps, creams, ASB, cologne, preshave oils, brushes, etc). The same idea works for SR, once you get set up (razor and strop) you can pretty much shave indefinitely at no extra cost. And while I haven't explored the scented world of shave soaps yet, that is also enjoyable.

    Cost, less waste (being greener), more fun, more nostalgic, and the sheer badassery of dragging a sharp blade across your throat are a few of my reasons.

  6. #65
    Senior Member Raol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azhrei View Post
    Cost, less waste (being greener), more fun, more nostalgic, and the sheer badassery of dragging a sharp blade across your throat are a few of my reasons.
    Yeah exactly,...well put my friend.
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  7. #66
    Senior Member Jetmech's Avatar
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    I was actually researching Japanese chef's knives on the internet and somehow came upon straight and DE razors shaving sites. I didn't even know anyone still used them. I was intrigued by the thought of using straights and after researching and reading about them I decided I want to try them for the nostalgia, potential cost savings (notice I said potential because once you're hooked I don't think there's a lot of savings because you want more razors, hones, soaps, mugs, etc. etc), eliminating waste, and it's just badass to use a straight and know I'm in a select group of men who use them. I would rather spend my money on razors and equipment that exhibit quality and craftsmanship than crappy plastic cartridges.

  8. #67
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Because I have found the Bent ones don't work so well
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    It is just Whisker Whacking
    Relax and Enjoy!

  9. #68
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    So I noticed a personal pattern. I'm a busy man and when I get stressed one of the first things to go was the shave for some reason. The busier I got the hairier I got. This followed with skipping shaving my head which I've done weeklyish for years followed by bothering to cook my own meals. So on and so on.

    I took up the straight razor shaving or maybe kept it up because it's a reminder to and indulgence in taking care of myself. It's actually helped me be more aware of my stress levels because it's something I look forward to, something I miss when I 'don't have time'.

    I'm also very happy about the green aspect. Anything with that short a useful lifespan that will still be in the landfill when I'm dead seems s waste.
    robenco likes this.

  10. #69
    Fizzy Laces Connoisseur
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    When I used cartridges I had horrific ingrown hairs and electrics used to leave my skin red n patchy, I went looking for a way to stop the ingrowns and found DE razors which helped, but then I wanted to stop the few still left and realised I was saving a fortune already going from cartridge to DE so decided to try straights to "save cash" and get rid of the last ingrowns..

    I achieved one of those goals, can anyone guess which?????


  11. #70
    moderately stubborn
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    Great thread!

    For me it was mostly to save money I also like to explore things that are different to the norm.

    I stick with it mainly for the calming effect the ritual has - my days are rather busy and stressful otherwise.

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