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  1. #1
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    Unhappy Problems with first SR shave after using a shavette

    I've been wet shaving with a DOVO shavette for a couple of weeks and I just got a vintage SR from Larry at Whipped Dog and tried it out this morning. It was significantly different from the shavette.

    I had to stop using the SR halfway through and finish with the shavette.

    It was pulling and tugging and wouldn't cleanly cut through the whiskers like the shavette does. It also slightly hurt during my passes.

    I'm not sure what I did wrong, the SR is definitely shave ready although it could be possible I dulled the edge between yesterday and this morning?

    My pre-shave routine is shower, splash hot water, lather up, shave.

    Do I need a pre-shave oil?

  2. #2
    Make ready the heat. henryconchile's Avatar
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    I transitioned from a shavette to an SR earlier this year. I found the SR to be more forgiving and easier to use.

    Did you strop the SR before using it? These SRs may come "shave ready" when you buy them, but they can use a good stropping before the shave.

    You don't need pre-shave oil. Some people like using it, or other products, as a pre-shave application, but it isn't required.
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  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    If the straight was tugging and pulling (I am assuming you got good results with the shavette) that would mean it is not shave ready. Post some photos of the razor we would love to see it.

    It is also possible you are using a bad angle or pressure but that symptom usually is caused by the razor not being sharp enough.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Sunbird's Avatar
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    +1 to thebigspendur


  5. #5
    Senior Member matloffm's Avatar
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    It could mean your prep needs work. Your shavette is sharper then the SR and is more forgiving of poor prep. Try and find a way to get your beard to absorb water. You should be able to feel it relax. Your razor could need a touch up, but I would try improving your prep. Good luck.
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