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Thread: Best price to quality?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Best price to quality?

    So, I ran a search on here for a topic covering this, but did not find any open.
    I'm curious of what the members on here consider the best quality to price brush is.
    I myself do not yet have a brush, hence my curiosity (that foam in a can stuff doesn't do the trick for my bristles it seems).

  2. #2
    Simple Shaver RoobtheLoob's Avatar
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    It really depends. Every face is different and responds differently.
    Some people like stiffer brushes while others like them softer.
    Some people build up lather on the face while others build their lather in a bowl.
    There are a ton of variables.

    If you have never owned a brush it really depends on your price range. I personally used a Van Der Hagen brush for my first year of shaving.
    It worked well but wasn't made with the best quality. But then again, it was cheap. I would read up on the differences that brushes present and find what sounds best to you.
    I personally build my lather in a bowl. So it helped determine to get something with a bit more loft.
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  3. #3
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    Best bang for the buck brush I've found is the Omega 10098. My local barber supply shop sells them for -$20. I think they're $12-15 online. It performs darn near as well as my Thäther two band that cost considerably more. Frank's aren't bad and some of their badger is downright soft, but the one I had didn't have quite enough backbone for my copper wire beard.
    I know a lot of people swear by the knots from TGN and last time I looked you could set yourself up decently for under $40 from them (plus some epoxy)
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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I don't know about brands however a best badger grade is usually the best bang for the buck in brushes. Typically they grade between pure and silvertip.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member vmathis12019's Avatar
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    Shavemac makes some damned fine brushes, almost all of them in Silvertip, and their plastic handled models are very reasonable.

  6. #6
    Senior Member bongo's Avatar
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    These are some of mine that in my opinion deliver good value for money.
    Left to right: 1. Omega Bambino (boar bristle), 2. Omega Mighty Midget (mixed badger and boar), 3.Frank Shaving Silvertip, 4. Liojuny boar bristle.

    The first two were bought online at Shoebox Shaveshop and the others on ebay.
    I'm glad I didn't overlook boar bristle brushes when choosing, as they are great for harder shave creams and soaps !!
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Like others have said, it depends on what type of hair you want and like because they all feel different on the face. These would be my picks considering I face lather.

    For a boar brush either an Omega 10066 or Semogue 1305. Both need a break in period of a couple of weeks on every day use.
    For a 2 band badger a Semogue 2 band badger
    For a synthetic a Muhle synthetic silver tip

    I use these and a couple of others. If I had to pick one that suits me the best it would be the Muhle synthetic silver tip. They all work well though.

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  8. #8
    Senior Member Sargon's Avatar
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    Any Omega or Semogue boar will be a great brush, and they both have offerings that are under $15.00. In the 20ish range, you can pick from several Vie-long horse brushes. You could get a cheapo badger for that, too, I just tend to think that it is better to get a really good boar or horse that you'll keep for years, even if you end up collecting a number of brushes, vs a mediocre badger that you'll never use again if you buy a more expensive one down the line.

  9. #9
    Senior Member Doryferon's Avatar
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    Frank Shaving till now has the best combination
    Handle plus knot and very nice prices.

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