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Thread: My first brush build attempts,

  1. #21
    Senior Member Daekkon's Avatar
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    Really awesome idea!.

    I might try this with some antlers i gather from time to time. not quite as pretty, but should still be impressive

    Where did you purchase your knots? haven't seen loose knots before.

  2. #22
    Senior Member Mastershake's Avatar
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    Those brushes are sweet! Does that horn smell as bad as deer antler when you are cutting and sanding it?

  3. #23
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    I bought the heads on eBay from below
    virginiasheng | eBay
    Real badger hair and seemingly well bonded into their knots..
    Needed a soaking in lather, and then conditioner to get rid of the animal odor but aside from that, good heads.
    As far as the smell, I think the horn reeked like burnt hair through the entire cut and sand process. But the results made up for the inconvenience. I like the irregular shape of them, fits real nice in the hand during lathering and the added rubber rings really do quieten the mug banging at 6am..going to make a bunch more in the new year. Just making a jig to cut some scales from the same horn stock with a backsaw.
    If they turn out, I'll post the results as well.
    pfries and HARRYWALLY like this.

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    I bought the heads on eBay from below
    virginiasheng | eBay
    Real badger hair and seemingly well bonded into their knots..
    Needed a soaking in lather, and then conditioner to get rid of the animal odor but aside from that, good heads.
    As far as the smell, I think the horn reeked like burnt hair through the entire cut and sand process. But the results made up for the inconvenience. I like the irregular shape of them, fits real nice in the hand during lathering and the added rubber rings really do quieten the mug banging at 6am..going to make a bunch more in the new year. Just making a jig to cut some scales from the same horn stock with a backsaw.
    If they turn out, I'll post the results as well.
    keep at it, I work with horn and bone everyday,you get used to the smell
    sharptonn likes this.

  5. #25
    Always Thinkun walleyeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    keep at it, I work with horn and bone everyday,you get used to the smell
    No you don't!!

  6. #26
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    Ya it sure isn't as nice as working with Paduak or Amboyna. That stuff smells like candy!!! Never get sick of that smell.
    Burls, Girls, and all things that Swirl....

  7. #27
    Member diesel's Avatar
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    I have fired off an order for three badger knots from your supplier Mike, Thanks for the inspiration. I just have to source handle material now.
    That's another facet of the art of straight razoring designed to hoover cash out of my wallet
    MikeB52 likes this.

  8. #28
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    Wow those are nice id deffinately line up to buy one

  9. #29
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Cheers gents, appreciate the kind words on the work. Almost ready to slice off my first scale blanks. Might get four sets per horn set, which would be cool. Will post the results.
    Andrew, here's a pic of me with a piece of Amboyna I'm going to make some handles from.
    Name:  image.jpg
Views: 161
Size:  25.9 KB
    Just kidding, wish it was me with that slab! Google images is such a tease.
    Never even heard of that asian wood till your reply above. Now I need to finally get my old lathe dialed in again and start to turn out some new projects..
    Going to order silver hair knots for my next brushes as well as set them deeper.
    pfries and HARRYWALLY like this.

  10. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Cheers gents, appreciate the kind words on the work. Almost ready to slice off my first scale blanks. Might get four sets per horn set, which would be cool. Will post the results.
    Andrew, here's a pic of me with a piece of Amboyna I'm going to make some handles from.
    Name:  image.jpg
Views: 161
Size:  25.9 KB
    Just kidding, wish it was me with that slab! Google images is such a tease.
    Never even heard of that asian wood till your reply above. Now I need to finally get my old lathe dialed in again and start to turn out some new projects..
    Going to order silver hair knots for my next brushes as well as set them deeper.
    holy Crap thats nice material,will be in a place come next week that has burl like that,will try to swing some deals.
    Right now I am getting ready to leave, to the same place and look at a 200 lb snakewood log,need to take it and have it xrayed first.

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