Shave Brush Photos by rag_18 | Photobucket

I just finished turning a handle for a Silver Tip Std. I used it tonight with my scuttle and Tabac soap.
I had a lot of trouble whipping up a decent lather. When finished shaving one one side, the other side didn't appear to have been lathered.
After finishing up, I tried again to create a lather. Not having any better luck, I used my Amazon cheap $20 brush (pure Badger, I think) and whipped up a great foamy lather like usual. In fact, when the Silver Tip was used back into that foamy lather, I could swear it was killing the lather.
The new one felt much better on the face (cheapie has some scratchy bristles) but can't make a lather.
Is there something I'm doing wrong?
The handle is Olivewood. Not my best work, but passable for a first time at brush making.
Hope the pic comes through. First attempt at posting pics here.