After I shaved today and rinsed my brush I did what I always do. I hold the handle and squeeze the bristles to get most of the water out. Evidently I apply some pulling force on the bristles because today I pulled the bristles (knot?) out of the handle. All the bristles are still together. I'm pretty sure I can glue them back in. I have a variety of glues in the house. Epoxy, general house glue, even some caulking adhesive for household use. Any suggestions? I've seen knots advertised with the glue to glue them into a handle. Maybe I should have been just shaking out the excess water all along.

Any ideas on why this happened? Was it the way I squeeze the bristles to remove excess water? I don't think it's a matter of using water that is too hot. I heat my scuttle with water in the microwave then soak the brush in the water in the lather bowl for a minute or so. Then I pour that water out to create the lather. The water is never too hot for me to stick my finger in. When I first started heating my water it was actually hot enough to be uncomfortable on my face. Right now I put the scuttle with water in the microwave for 2 minutes.

Since this happened it may be a good time to buy a knot (that's the bristles isn't it?) to glue into the handle. The Semogue 620 boar brush is my favorite of the very few I have. It has a good stiffness and softness combined. From day one it wasn't nearly as stiff as I expected based on the comments about boar brushes being stiff and needing a break in period. I ordered an Omega 10066 Boar Shaving Brush. I think it'll be here next week. Maybe today if a mailing/shipping miracle occurs. I do see this as an opportunity to put my own brush together. I like the Semogue 620 handle but it's not really anything special. Sometimes I wish I had a longer handle. Maybe I should just epoxy the thing back together and buy a handle and knot. Maybe I could get bristles I like and a handle I like by buying them seperately and putting them together. Problem is I'm not experienced enough to buy bristles with any knowledge of what to expect. Another problem with the lack of experience is spending more than I need to when I don't know what I'll get. We talk about stiff and soft brushes but one man's soft is another man's stiff (when describing them). So I won't know till I have one.

My main concern should be for me not to do whatever I did to cause this to happen if it was my fault. Or does this type of thing happen regularly. I don't remember anyone talking about brushes coming apart. Any thoughts on this are appreciated.