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Thread: Any ideas how to remove menthol from a brush?

  1. #11
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    I finally got it off. It just took a lot of shampooing and other soaps. If you guys like the menthol stuff, try mama bears iceberg soap. And it wasn't just a little that was left behind. It was freaking strong. when I had the brush under my eye area, I could feel the menthol raise up to my eyes. It was like Icy hot status menthol. A bit much for me. I don't think I will be using that scent anymore.

    I think I know how it got that way. I didn't know how to load this soap up properly, so I kept lathering for a long time. It never built up a good lather because the brush was too dry, but it picked up a ton of the soap into the brush. I'm pretty sure this is way the menthol stuck behind for so strong and so long after. So last night I revisited a different mama bears soap with the same problem trying to whip up a lather. So this time I soaked my brush up really wet and that did the trick. Just a little nuisance to get this brand of soap to work. I was able to get a really good lather this way.

    There are so many different things to pick up in this hobby, I'm always excited for my next shave so I can try other products.
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  2. #12
    tab is offline
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    Tabac or Arko will help your situation...

  3. #13
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    I rub Mama Bear soaps onto my wet face, loading the damp brush right from my face, then add water a little at a time. Works really well. (Of course, I do this with most soaps!)
    dngrspapercut likes this.
    Keep your pivot dry!

  4. #14
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by dngrspapercut View Post
    I finally got it off. It just took a lot of shampooing and other soaps. If you guys like the menthol stuff, try mama bears iceberg soap. And it wasn't just a little that was left behind. It was freaking strong. when I had the brush under my eye area, I could feel the menthol raise up to my eyes. It was like Icy hot status menthol. A bit much for me. I don't think I will be using that scent anymore.

    I think I know how it got that way. I didn't know how to load this soap up properly, so I kept lathering for a long time. It never built up a good lather because the brush was too dry, but it picked up a ton of the soap into the brush. I'm pretty sure this is way the menthol stuck behind for so strong and so long after. So last night I revisited a different mama bears soap with the same problem trying to whip up a lather. So this time I soaked my brush up really wet and that did the trick. Just a little nuisance to get this brand of soap to work. I was able to get a really good lather this way.

    There are so many different things to pick up in this hobby, I'm always excited for my next shave so I can try other products.
    If it doesn't work for you there are many things else to try in our short time on this planet.

    I am glad you got rid of the residue!

  5. #15
    Senior Member Doryferon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevez2 View Post
    Weird, I use mentholated soaps all the time, and sometimes add more menthol to it... I've never had an issue with menthol staying on the brush
    Me too
    But i case that i would remove that smell i would use white vinegar-hot water soluble.

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