Hello fellow SRP gentlemen,

Just wanted to share with you my recent experience of acquiring a 3XL Morris and Forndran brush produced by Mr. Lee Sabini directly from the Master. I did an extensive research on his products and customer service before contacting him. Though his brushes almost always were reviewed as of a top notch quality his responsiveness (or lack thereof) was described oftentimes as "notoriously inconsistent" and sometimes unacceptable. However, I decided to take my chances and wrote a quick message to Mr. Sabini introducing myself and asking whether he would be able to sell me one of his larger brushes.

I guess I was just lucky, but he responded within 8 hours (perhaps just due to the time difference between Boston, MA and the UK) and all my further experience of communicating with Mr. Sabini has been satisfactory. The brush that he manufactured for me is THE BEST brush I have ever used, and I tried many. Hi was consistently responsive via email and never ignored my messages. The brush arrived to our snow-overwhelmed Boston, MA in only nine days after shipment and I had an opportunity to test it tonight.

The conclusion is: OUTSTANDING.

I revisited some threads on other wet-shaving forums where Mr. Sabini's customer service was described very negatively because he did not respond instantaneously. I would like to caution against making such judgements. Master Sabini is a craftsmen first and foremost and should not be expected to be on email all the time. Once again his brushes are in my opinion among the best shaving brushes on the market and he does his best to process transactions as quickly as possible. I highly recommend working with him!

With kind regards,