Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
So to the gospel I share with you fellows. It is great to wash out your brush after use, squeeze it good. hang her to dry.
I begin with a dry brush, nice and dry. Was cleaned out good after last use. Needs a bit of fluffing, I suppose.
In using tubs and pucks, a bit of water on them for 15 minutes, if you can spare it. Creams, just go at it adding a tad of water here and there til right.
Pour off all water, dip the tips of the brush in hot water and stir. Dip the tips as you feel necessary, but keep the mixture 'rich'.
Keep the water to the minimum, yet add some. Fill the brush with lather, not water?
Why soak a brush? Use it's best characteristics. Soaking one makes for a floppy mess, IMO.
I'll second that motion.
As you've told me.
Easy to add, hard to get out ( water)