Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
There are times when people choose to go through some grueling times to get to the prize. When I was a young man I worked a lot in the commercial fishing industry. Living conditions onboard the vessels, and the working conditions were not pleasant. We chose to work at those jobs and under those conditions because we made more money that way, it did not last forever and we were well compensated. When people are backed into a corner and have to live like that or starve is the extreme that most of us are not wanting to see. In the fish plants there were tons of migrant workers and locals who would all do a similar thing for the season. The migrants would cram in many people to a house, and hire a family member to be a support worker and make sure that meals got cooked and laundry done for everyone that was working 16 hour shifts. The Mexicans and the Philippians were very good at figuring out the systems of getting the most people in the house to maximize everyones profits.
That is part of the reason the industrialized western world can't compete in a global free trade economy. Nobody here wants to live like that for any length of time never mind as the norm for a standard of living.
