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Thread: New brushes .. The Varlet

  1. #11
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    For that kind of money you can go to HARRYWALLY and a bunch of other brush makers on the forum and get one unique to you and you alone for less that what they want for a mass produced brush. Better bragging rights with a custom for you than a high cost brand name.
    Having tried all the popular stand alone knots that one could get, in more than one variation, I can say that no custom brush will ever impress me if I have to put it against my CH3 Manchurians. The performance of that knot is really something else. I would die to find a cheaper alternative but I have not yet.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member Druid's Avatar
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    Yeah, each to their own..

    No one is ever going to call me rich. I buy a new vehicle every twelve years or so, just for greater reliability. I was a blue collar worker until my retirement. Worked every minute of overtime offered to me. Put my son through college with no help and no loans. I managed to put a few dollars away, and I'm now at the point where if I want a $300 brush, (not that I have any!) I'm going to buy it, and not apologize to anyone for it!

    And BTW, I see some beautiful Artisan brushes, but they just don't speak to me ... Purely personal.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FAL View Post
    Hi Biggy, all my Old cars have in excess of 200,000 miles, My S10 diesel has over 850,000, Super coupe Tbirds- 2 of them, 4 Mecedes Benz, so I don't need no stinking Yugo. and I Don't like to argue. If I wanted a super duper High dollar Brush a few OLD Badgers I know of would have to give their all and I would make my own, but Dad's Ol brush and the Moisture Whip will probably last the rest of my life, besides I'll save what I have from stopping Cigg smoking, savings from Other shopping and I'll be able to own every stone that is on my list. You Gent's enjoy though. Really, No Offense.
    For those who complain about how much an item cost I say don't buy it, but don't put down those who do, it's my money and I have plenty this is not an extravagant expense, I spent a lot more on motorcycles, guns, and jewelry. Your opinion is yours and that's great, just don't believe you need to make those who do spend it sound stupid, I personally don't think it is worth money for old wore out cars and trucks. Tc
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  4. #14
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    I've never owned any other brush than the one I have now, bout 5 or so years old at this point. If I can spend triple the amount for it for something that lasts the same but feels or functions better? Why not? You don't have to be rich to afford nice things. You just have to properly budget your money. If I wanted to buy a custom razor from every maker here, I'd cut spending somewhere else. Spend it how you see fit, it's not like you can take it with you when you're dead.

  5. #15
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    After checking out their site, I put my name in for one. The Orion one is really cool looking. I'll check in whenever I get it. The dude said it wouldn't be too long before they are selling again.

  6. #16
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    There are few things in life where most of us can afford the very best there is. I think with shaving this class of item is within reach to most of us whether it's a brush or a razor or a shave soap or A/S or related item.
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  7. #17
    Uzi is offline
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    When somebody gets one, give us a review. Their website doesn't say what grade of badger they are using, but they look good.

  8. #18
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    For those who dismiss a glorious shave brush as an expensive waste, or no better than a $10 object with a handle and a clump of fuzz passing for a shave brush, and for those who look down their nose on those of us who appreciate a fine shaving brush much in the way we appreciate the other finer things in life, for those people, I say . . .

    Have you ever lathered with the majestic Wiborg? Or the Thater with tips as sweet as an angel's kiss? Or the Rooney "Heritage" that softens even the toughest of beards? Or the hearty Simpson that spikes the spirit every shave? Or the gentle shavemac that paints the face with an artist's stroke? Or the Savile Row that tucks the skin in pure silk?

    If you have never tried these wonders of the shaving world, well . . .
    Last edited by Obie; 03-26-2016 at 01:43 AM.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Obie For This Useful Post:

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  10. #19
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Fendrihan recently replaced a defective brush for me with a three band Polo 8 Super Badger, and surprisingly, it has some nice scritch to it, unlike the much older 2-band Polo 10 SB I have which is as smooth as silk on the face, which I'm finding I don't like as much.

    Having said that, my Morris & Forndran L7 just stands in a league of it's own, backbone, fantastic feel on the face, so much so that the Thater, Plisson, Rooney are all nicely tucked away in their original boxes, along with the Polo 10. The Simpsons Chubby 1 SB is a go to for me for face lathering, a complete great brush IMO.

    For me, the brush is the foundation of my shave experience....
    tcrideshd and Druid like this.

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