I've struggled too, but had the best success by being a "tip dipper", but having a little water on the puck, if it's a soap day. I use all temperatures...cold in the summer warm to hot in the winter, but always spend a long time loading the brush. Since I mostly face lather, I find I have more patience loading on the puck than I do swirling on my face.

I try to get the brush well loaded adding a little water to the tips if it starts to seem too dry. When the brush is really loaded (which depends one brush, I think) I go to my face, which I dampen a little first...then I swirl and paint on my face until I run out of patience. Sometimes I add a little water along the way.

Some soaps I do better than others, but mostly I think it's me. If I get lazy or rushed I mess it up. Good luck trying all these varieties of approach. if you find the magic combo, please share !!