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Thread: Scuttle - How to use?

  1. #21
    Senior Member DoughBoy68's Avatar
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    I bought a Robert Becker and really like it. It is the only one I have owned so can't compare to any other brands. The price was very reasonable, very good quality work. Can not get to web site for whatever reason but a search will list several for sell by private individuals.
    "If You Knew Half of What I Forgot You Would Be An Idiot" - by DoughBoy68

  2. #22
      Lynn's Avatar
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    For me, the scuttle is all about keeping the suds warm for the pass 2 shave and lather for touch ups after that or a pass 3 if you do them. Some people like to build lather in their bowls so like a scuttle with a wider bowl. In my experience, the wider the bowl, the more heat dissipates. In any case we designed our scuttles so that we could get a maximum of hot water into the lower bowl to keep the upper bowl warm for the brush. I also use few ounces of hot water at the bottom of the top bowl to help conduct the heat from the lower bowl.

    Special thanks to Chris Moss for his initial scuttle design.

    I usually face lather so once I build up the suds the way I like them, I place the brush into the scuttle as I do the first pass. When I'm ready for pass 2, I squeegy the brush on the inside of the top scuttle bowl to get the excess water off and then face lather for round two. Same process for a third pass if you do it or just to hit the areas you want for the final touch ups.

    Have fun.
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  3. #23
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    I like this style as well. I actually bought a cheap 6 cup coffee pot for the bathroom just to run water through for my scuttle.Name:  20170517_064107.jpg
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoughBoy68 View Post
    I bought a Robert Becker and really like it. It is the only one I have owned so can't compare to any other brands. The price was very reasonable, very good quality work. Can not get to web site for whatever reason but a search will list several for sell by private individuals.
    +1 on the Becker. I've got a Becker as well, and it's very good, especially considering the craftsmanship and the price.

  5. #25
    Senior Member CamMorris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelbro View Post
    Sure. Thanks. It's a Georgetown Pottery 12oz.Attachment 255486Attachment 255487
    Wow! thats a beauty! Georgetown Pottery.... ok I have to find one!

  6. #26
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    I like my Georgetown Pottery skuttle but my favorite and my everyday skuttle is my Dirty Bird. My Georgetown is now my travel skuttle.
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  7. #27
    Senior Member Jnatcat's Avatar
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    I use a SWK Scuttle everyday and love it, the first pass the lather/brush is really not that warm but pass 2/3 is great, as far as using on just full the outside/inside with pretty hot water then you can soak your brush and safety razor while you shower then just dump all the water and refill the outside with hot water and buid you lather in the bowl or use it to keep the latherd brush warm.

    Here's mine that my son gifted me:

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    "A Honer's adage "Hone-Shave-Repeat"


  8. #28
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    I have a simple Crown King Scuttle from Phoenix Shaving. Finally broke down and bought one last year after decades of wondering..."Should I?"
    These scuttles are inexpensive, yet good value for the dollar, so if you are looking to dip a toe, this may be the way to go.

    Name:  51RkOr3XhoL._SX522_.jpg
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    I agree with Lynn's post earlier that it's all about keeping the lather for pass 2 and 3 warm. Once you get used to warm lather from a scuttle, it's a bit disappointing going back to cold lather application, especially on the 2nd/3rd pass. That's my experience anyway.

    Saying this, I have to admit I don't use my scuttle very often. It's a luxury and mostly for when I want to spend some time in the shave den and have that extra time to spend. It's definitely nice having the option to scuttle the lather.

    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

  9. #29
    Senior Member Porl's Avatar
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    I have a Dirtybird scuttle. I used it lots when I primarily used creams. I did find that with the heat one or two of them degraded between passes. I seem to have found a love for hard soaps and face lathering at the moment. I don't see any reason that a brush loaded with soap wouldn't work in a scuttle though.

    That warm lather feels great though. Maybe I will dig mine out again come winter.

    Those Georgetown scuttles look great and I was torn between them and the one I got. The thing that swung it for me was the Dirtybird video on YouTube where she makes a scuttle, it's a very interesting watch.

    Be careful who is stood over your shoulder when you search for Dirtybird videos though
    Fact: Opinions are not the same as facts... Well, that's my opinion anyway

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