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Thread: My new bowl

  1. #1
    Member Shur's Avatar
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    Default My new bowl

    Back in February I asked my father to turn me a couple bowls for me, one for cream and one for a cake of AOS soap I'd just bought.
    Well I just picked them up last weekend (July) and I think it was worth the wait.

    The knob on the lid is cherry as is the large bowl. The lid itself is birds-eye maple while the dish section is 'standard' maple. I wanted something water tight for a finish so he used a 5 minute epoxy which apparently caused some problems, but came out looking nice. He also tried to texture the top of the dish as I thought this might help generate lather.

    The bowl is nice and deep and just the right size for my B&B brush.
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  2. #2
    Member Shur's Avatar
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    And one last pic.
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  3. #3
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Wow Shur - nice bowl, very nice indeed

    I think your father could start a lucrative cottage industry with these if he wanted

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  4. #4
    Senior Member ucliker's Avatar
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    I agree with Jimbo very nice indeed

  5. #5
    Member Shur's Avatar
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    Today was the last day for letting the epoxy cure and I just finished giving it a try out.

    It wasn't intentional but this design isn't much different than a scuttle, so that's how I tried to use it first. I filled the bottom bowl with hot water from the tap and placed the dish with the soap on top. Waited 5 minutes and checked the soap. Still cold. I checked the outside of the bowl and it was barely warm. The water inside was still hot enough, but I refilled it anyway and left it for another 5 min to no avail. I guess the wood is too good an insulator for this purpose.

    I refilled the bowl with hot water, tossed my brush in (it fits side to side perfectly), and had a shower.

    I wanted to shave with the AOS soap so I tried whipping up a lather using the dish. It might work well with a smaller brush but it seemed to just keep loading up with more soap instead of building a lather. So over to the bowl to build lather and here is where things went very well. My previous bowl had sides that went straight up and down, this let the lather escape up the side and over without being forced to condense. This new bowl has a slight 'pot-o-gold' style belly to it which meant that the later would climb the side but end up dropping down onto the brush again. I was happy with the results I got using the AOS but it will take some tweaking to get the water/soap mix just right.

    After finishing my shave I decided to try my Florena cream in the bowl to see how it would go. It was amazing, I had a thicker lather and more of it in half the time it was taking me before.

    All told I'm very happy with this thing, now I just need to find a place to put it.

  6. #6
    Senior Member pilothaz's Avatar
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    that bowl is crazy sexy. I think I have to talk with my Uncle now about making me one. He does a lot of wood working, (makes custom pens, little bowls, furniture) he is a general contractor with his brother. This should be an interesting idea maybe fi he would be up for it.

    Now to just think about a design that I could use. I might do something like that Pot 'o Gold look lol.

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