The brush topic has been covered well. I would like to share a couple of ideas regarding Kyleybob's statement that he isn't getting good lather.

That is probably more of an issue with the soap than the brush. What soap are you using? You mentioned Col Conk in your post. If you are using Col Conk's inexpensive glycerin soap then I would recommend something different.

Opinions on who has great soap is a Ford /Chevy type thing.

Unlike the majority, I have a preference for creams. I don't think you can go wrong with Taylor of Old Bond St, or Castle Forbes. I personally believe that Castle Forbes is the best on the market, though I haven't tried all of them.

For shaving soap, I'm a real fan of Stirling. Rod, a Veteran, and his wife, run Stirling Soap and they are in your state of Arkansas. I also like Barrister & Mann and have their Seville soap on my list to try. For hard soaps, Pre de Provence and Haslinger's Schafmilch Rasierseife are hard to beat.