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  1. #1
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    Default Why I'm retiring my Silvertip Brush

    I'll say upfront that my Silvertip is one of those very cheap De Long brushes from China. Nonetheless, I hope you’ll agree that if my points below applies to my cheapo brushes, they have to apply doubly—quadruply— to the very best Silvertip brushes.

    Before starting up with straight razors about 11 months ago, I had used a boar’s hair brush for about 20 years. It didn’t make the greatest lather, but that was less about the brush than the fact that most of the time I was using scraps of hand soap rather than a decent shaving soap. Terrible, I know, but good enough for a quick shave with my Trac II or Mach III or—more often—whatever disposable was on sale that week. After a few months of using the boar brush with a straight razor, I upgraded to a best badger brush from Voltex. It wasn’t just softer, it made much better lather and was definitely a jump up.

    I’m pretty much a cheapo about shaving—my goal isn’t just about a great shave, it’s about keeping things simple and cheap. But I was of course attracted to those gorgeous Silvertip brushes and the De Long brush seemed like a cheap way to see if they were “all that.” And it was all that—maybe not compared to a Shavemac or the other great brands, but it was definitely another step up, a big one from the best badger.

    Or at least it was once I’d figured out how to get a decent lather with it! The move from the boar brush to the best badger was effortless; the move up to the Silvertip required changes in my technique and real attention to what I was doing. It wasn’t simple, it wasn’t quick, but I did finally get to a point—after several weeks—where the lather was very good most of the time.

    But you know what? When I rinsed the brush after the second pass, I always felt like I was also rinsing away enough soap for at least one more shave, maybe two! I’ve read enough comments on SRP to recognize (I think) that this isn’t exceptional—that’s part of the reason a Silvertip is such a luxurious brush. But the frugal part of me was offended by this. And when I put a solo puck in my grandfather’s shaving mug, I was shocked at how quickly it went!

    So I got another best badger brush (having gifted the first to a friend) and used it for the first time today. It makes lather quickly and simply, with minimal attention on my part. It’s soft, it works, and when I rinse it after the second lathering, it doesn’t expel pints of lather, going right down the drain—just a little residue of soapy water. No, it’s not a deluxe brush, it doesn’t feel like a Silvertip, but it’s much more like the tool I want.

    Sorry to make this so long!


    p.s. I’m keeping the Silvertip, though. Nothing wrong with a bit of luxury every once in a while!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Strapped-4-Cache's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dcarmell View Post
    p.s. I’m keeping the Silvertip, though. Nothing wrong with a bit of luxury every once in a while!
    Dang! Just when I thought I might be able to get a good deal on a silvertip.

    - Mark (S-4-C)

  3. #3
    I'm a Shaaarrrk! Chady's Avatar
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    I think I'd rather just imagine one razor that I plan on buying, then not buy it. Then, in theory, I'll have saved about 1200usd which is enough for me to buy around 90 to 100 soaps from TGQ. Then when those run out I can do it all over again

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chady View Post
    I think I'd rather just imagine one razor that I plan on buying, then not buy it. Then, in theory, I'll have saved about 1200usd which is enough for me to buy around 90 to 100 soaps from TGQ. Then when those run out I can do it all over again
    See, you've cut to the heart of the fallacy in my thinking: I know the expense of the wasted soap is trivial, but the idea of that $.0002 worth of soap going down the drain makes me crazy!


  5. #5
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    I have the same brush. I completely understand. I use a very small amouth of cream and with only two passes, lots of lather goes to waste. Howerver, with three passes most of the lather is used. Just do another lap.

  6. #6
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    You just sold me a PUMA, c'mon man. Whats a little soap?

  7. #7
    Beaker bevansmw's Avatar
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    If you saw how much soap and cream I wash down the drain after shaving you'd probably freak! I've been making uberlathers, using a silvertip and usually have tons of lather by the time I'm done, probably enough for at least 2 or 3 more passes after having done 2. The scuttle gets drained down the sink and the brush rinsed out under the sink and all of that lather goes down down down the drain!!

  8. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You guys are throwing the baby out with the bath water here. The idea if you really want to economize is 1-use the smallest possible brush. The larger the brush the more lather it holds. 2-make only enough lather for one shave. if need be go back and make some more rather than make too much from the start.
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  9. #9
    Beaker bevansmw's Avatar
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    I was only joking around, I don't really mind though soap and cream is rather inexpensive and I have yet to run out of a tub or puck of any soap, probably because I have so many different kinds in rotation I'm sure enough to last well over a year at the rate that I'm using them. I guess I'd rather have a nice thick lather that I enjoy rather than worry about using too much soap or cream.

  10. #10
    Senior Member tjiscooler's Avatar
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    Question squeeeze it

    Have you tried making less and squeezing the remainder out of the brush? theres always good lather buried in there! Out of my boar theres about a half shave left i add on the what is on my face and it works for me

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