well hello all, i'm really new to all of this and with anything manny and cool i love to learn about things like this. i dont think that im really ready for a straight razor, that just scares the daylights out of me right now, but im however underingstanding that there are many ways to even improve a safety razor shave. i know, i know boo on that. but on to my question, i have looked and tried to find out everything i can about soaps and creams. that is another subject on its own. im confused on the whole bowl and shuttle thing. please take this into account as i ask this question. im most likely going to try to go with a soap vs a cream. i like the idea that i can make what i want. so with that in mind does one have to have both a bowl and a scuttle. one or the other. or is this just what you want to use. also is one better then another or do they work better as a combo. sorry i got so many questions i really want ot be informed on this before dropping any money. i really want ot start actually increasing my shave enjoyment. again to anyone that replies thank you for your time.