Been awhile since I have posted here but I just want to say hi to everyone and tell a little tale about what happened to me.
Back when I started this shaving method, a couple of years ago I had to buy the appropriate gear just like everyone. This thread will speak to my shaving brush, it's a DOVO and was sold to me with a 10 year warranty. I bought it from Classic and now that I have trouble with the brush they dump it right back to the manufacturer. Ok, lesson learned. I won't buy from another retailer that doesn't stand up and honnor the warranties on behalf of their customers. I hate passing the buck types.
The handle has come completely loose from the bristles and is getting floppier by the day. All I get from DOVO is emails on how I must have misused the brush. Total B.S.

Just be careful where you buy. If everything goes well then you have nothing to worry about, if not ? Look out.
Later fellow Cut Throat Brotherssss ....