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  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    I'm beginning to think this whole thing is a con. If individual sales are not possible, what is the point? I don't think 1000 count sales belong in the Classifieds.
    If it sounds too good to be true.............................just my 0.02
    Having Fun Shaving

  2. #22
    Managing the UnManageable TOB9595's Avatar
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    Thanks for the heads up that Frank's in the classifieds

  3. #23
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    If it turns out these brushes are good I will take one also in the group buy. Getting a chance to try one out is a bonus also.

  4. #24
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    I would definitely be interested in this. I have been looking at his brushes for a while contemplating whether or not to get one. After the test if there seems to be a need to be a group buy I would definitely want a few.

  5. #25
    Grumpy old sod Whiskers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    I'm beginning to think this whole thing is a con. If individual sales are not possible, what is the point? I don't think 1000 count sales belong in the Classifieds.

    I also agree about the quantity ... but I received a PM from the seller with shipping costs. Buying in bulk is really the only way to go.

    I remember about 6 months ago, a member here wanted to put together a group buy for DE blades...something about buying cases and cases for pennies. Anyhoo, member dude got ripped off. Sent his $300 to China, never to be seen again.

    Maybe some sales references are in order... as well as a certified bank account under his business name. This is a rather typical process, actually.

    If I was setting up the deal .... I would actually go with some sort of escrow account with conditions of releasing the money to the seller upon reciept of goods... I'd also put an extra 10% in to sweeten the pot.

    That being said, I'm in for a brush ... strangely enough I am in the same boat as Glen.

  6. #26
    Managing the UnManageable TOB9595's Avatar
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    Awaiting the invoice, Frank

  7. #27
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    I am completely confused about this deal. I have been following these threads for awhile, and just like others, I also contacted Frank about his brushes. He has been forthcoming with me and has provided some information about his business. Like other members, I find the shipping prices a bit high, but with the shipment originating so far away, I have no idea of what the shipping cost would be. I was quoted 2 prices for shipping: $23 and $35, on 2 different occasions. Frank explained that the price depends on the shipping carrier. I was quoted $14.9 for the finest brush, or 16.9 for the silvertip both in 22mm. My understanding was that finest is more expensive than silvertip but perhaps I missed something in translation, please correct me if I am wrong. In any case, that would bring the unbranded silvertip brush to about $52, which is $23 difference from what the Rooney brush sells for. Is this a reasonable risk to take? I have 2 questions that Frank, or any of the other people that have interacted with Frank, may be able to answer:

    1) I have no problem with the price of the brush or even the shipping costs (as long as they can be verified) but in the event that the brush is defective, and this happens with all products, is there any form of guarantee offered? With these shipping costs, having to ship a brush all the way back to China for a replacement, would make this deal really sour for somebody trying to save some money.

    2) why is a company that manufactures hundreds, if not thousands of brushes, for large companies interested in selling a few in this forum? Perhaps because more sales would bring more dough? I asked Frank about this too but probably, again, due to translation, I missed the point. This is the one thing that has me wondering about the most about this deal.

    Finally, according to Frank, he contacted Jim at Vintage Blades (VB) about his brushes but VB was not interested in them. I also cannot understand why Frank uses a gmail account for his business but I know that this is reasonably common.

    As I said at the beginning, I am really confused about this deal and would like to have a few answers before I buy. Perhaps Frank or others can help clarify some of these questions.

    Al raz.

  8. #28
    Managing the UnManageable TOB9595's Avatar
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    Glen, Haven't heard from Frank.


  9. #29
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Neither have I Tom.. Still awaiting e-mails...

  10. #30
    Grumpy old sod Whiskers's Avatar
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    For some reason, he's been banned from SRP.

    I doubt a response.

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