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  1. #1
    Member Strikur's Avatar
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    Default Brush resto question

    Today I received 5 old brushes and some DE razors from my grandfather,who'd passed away last fall. 2 of the brushes are bakelite handles,1 plastic, and the other 2 are wooden handles that are missing 50% of the paint. I was hoping to get a DE razor just for sentimental reasons, the brushes were icing on the cake. I know nothing about restoring or resetting knots in a brush or if any of these would even be a fair candidate for it,but the idea of handling something daily that my grandfather had would be fantastic. I'm sure pics would help in determining this but I haven't taken any yet.The plastic one says "Solid Set,set in rubber",one of the bakelites is an eveready 50g but unfortunately is too far gone to save I think.The other bakelite is a "Lathergrade".The wooden ones will be the simplest to work with I believe, the hole opening is .695 on these.Could anyone inform me on what size knot to order please?

  2. #2

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