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  1. #1
    Member lesshairy's Avatar
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    Default 2 band version of Shavemac DO1?

    I am looking for opinions of anyone who owns or has used the 2 banded brushes from Shavemac. I am thinking of purchasing a 2 banded brush and I am looking at the SB1-167-22-2B. It is Shavemac's 2 band version of their DO1 badger brush with a 22 knot. I already own a Shavemac DO1 that is a 3 band, 24 mm knot, 50 mm loft with a natural horn handle which I love and use daily. I thought I would try a 2 banded brush and I am looking at the Shavemac brushes because I like their quality. Does anyone own a 2 band Shavemac and what is your opinion?

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    What you really need is someone who owns the shavmac and also and older two band like a Rooney Finest. The real issue is whether the new two bands are really the same as the old 2 bands.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    Member rudyvey's Avatar
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    Here is my two-band brush, the knot was custom-made for me by Bernd of Shavemac, its a 441/42 mm loft and the knot size is 19 mm - I call it the extreme fan or "Flat-Top". The handle I made from a piece of Sambar stag antler, real hard stuff, but it polishes to a perfect glossy shine. It is right now my favorite face lather brushes. I think the tips are softer than my Rooney Finest or the Super Badger T2 of Simpsons.
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  5. #4
    Member lesshairy's Avatar
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    I went ahead and purchased a Shavemac DO1 2 band brush. Prior to purchasing the brush, I was not able to find out much information regarding the Shavemac 2 band other than the helpful comments by Rudyvey. I thought I would post a few photos, just in case anyone was interested. The 2 band has a 22mm knot, 44mm loft, 38mm handle diameter and a 47mm handle height.

    For comparison, I have included a photo showing the Shavemac DO1 2 band with my Shavemac DO1 3 band with a natural horn handle. The 3 band brush has a 24mm knot, 50mm loft, 38mm handle diameter and a 52mm handle height.

    I have had the 2 band only a short time, but so far I am very happy with the brush. There is enough difference between the two Shavemac DO1 brushes that they will work nicely in a rotation
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  6. #5
    Senior Member Fozz7769's Avatar
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    This is a Shavemac 2 Band that Mr. Rudy Vey built for me. It has a knot size that is a hair over 25mm & a 49mm loft. It is an excellent brush with both creams & soaps. It has soft tips coupled with good back bone. Recommended.

  7. #6
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    Awesome brush Fozz! Rudy always does great work!

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    Fozz7769 (08-09-2010)

  9. #7
    Senior Member MichaelS's Avatar
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    With Bernd you can choose tall or short loft, bulb or fan (in this case 28/65 and 30/55). Great brushes!
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