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  1. #11
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    One will have a hard time buying Rooney "finest" brushes. Jim at Vintage told me some time ago that if I did not buy a Rooney Finest that they would not be available, in the near future. They refuse to make a finest brush that does not meet their specifications of "Finest". All Rooney brushes, up to now, that were finest were 2-banded. Not all brushes that are 2-banded are top of the grade. Simpson top of the grade is "Super" and they are very different than Rooneys. They are awesome brushes, but very different!

    Take Care,

  2. #12
    Senior Member Fido's Avatar
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    As one of the people who was trying to track down Rooney to write about them in my shaving brush blog I thought I would add to this thread.

    Rooney is now just a brand name owned by The City of London Brush Company. No information is available about exactly where the Rooney brand brushes are made. Any statements about Rooney seem to come from the operators of the websites that sell their products. Direct relations with customers is clearly not seeen as a priority. This contrasts sharply with Vulfix/Simpsons who welcome direct contacts and visits, and with Kent Brushes who have their own Facebook site as well as Edwin Jagger who have an excellent website.

    But for all this, Rooney have some very fine brushes that are a joy to use.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Grump's Avatar
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    Hmmm, This sounds very intriguing. I do Like my 1/1 super.

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fido View Post
    As one of the people who was trying to track down Rooney to write about them in my shaving brush blog I thought I would add to this thread.

    Rooney is now just a brand name owned by The City of London Brush Company. No information is available about exactly where the Rooney brand brushes are made. Any statements about Rooney seem to come from the operators of the websites that sell their products. Direct relations with customers is clearly not seeen as a priority. This contrasts sharply with Vulfix/Simpsons who welcome direct contacts and visits, and with Kent Brushes who have their own Facebook site as well as Edwin Jagger who have an excellent website.

    But for all this, Rooney have some very fine brushes that are a joy to use.
    Going to SMF and reading this thread here I see you were very tenacious in trying sort it out. When Jim at Vintage, Sam and bernard66 say it is, and has been, Lee Sabini having his outstanding brushes made in the UK that is good enough for me.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  5. #15
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Going to SMF and reading this thread here I see you were very tenacious in trying sort it out. When Jim at Vintage, Sam and bernard66 say it is, and has been, Lee Sabini having his outstanding brushes made in the UK that is good enough for me.
    Getting a hold of Sabini seems to bee quite the feat..........

    Have fun,


  6. #16
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    Getting a hold of Sabini seems to bee quite the feat..........

    Have fun,

    that is what is so cool about it.. gives him that cool alfred hitch**** appeal.

  7. #17
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    wait scratch that.. hitch**** isn't that mysterious.. i equate lee sabini with a willy wonka type.. maybe one day he'll release some golden tickets to tour his factory and name a successor!

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