Hey guys,

I've been hanging out in the background reading the forums quite a bit and I've finally got a question I haven't seen answered yet. I haven't received my first razor yet (just bought a Landers Frary from Lynn this morning), but I've got the Proraso soap and the Crabtree & Evelyn brush. I couldn't wait, so I tried making some lather the other day. I followed advice that rtaylor gave in this thread:
Quote Originally Posted by rtaylor61
Soak your brush in a coffee cup of hot water. ... Then, I let the excess water drain out of the brush, and give the brush one good "flick". ... My preference is to use a butter knife (this is one time it's okay to use something dull!) to scoop out a dollop of shaving cream, about almond size. Drop it into the bowl, and wipe off any excess on the tips of the brush. Then start swirling. This is the "learning" part. How much water vs. how much shaving cream. You'll just have to experiment. The end result should be a meringue like substance, that forms peaks.
After about 2 minutes I think I got about the right consistency, but the lather wasn't hot anymore. Do you guys have any tips on what I can do to keep the temperature up? Perhaps I shook too much water out of the brush. I'm gonna go try it again, but any input would be great!
