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Thread: This guy...

  1. #1
    Member Zts2004's Avatar
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    Default This guy...

    So the brush I use comes from this magical set. It has been good to me so far, but should I upgrade?

  2. #2
    Member KingsRam's Avatar
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    I have the same set and I dislike the brush immensely. Not only because it has a bit too much backbone, but because large chunks are falling out of it. I've only used it since the beginning of December.
    However, if it works for you and you like the way it makes/applies lather, then...... Me, I'm going to build a brush that suits my preferences.

  3. #3
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    Heck no!!! I am using an elcheapo brush like that and LOVE it!!!! (plus, the whole set is $6 at CVS)! I do want to get some badger knots and rebuild a couple of old brush handles, eventually, but consider it a luxury thing... certainly not needed! If it works use it! Jim

  4. #4
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default This guy . . .

    Hello, Zts2004:

    Many of us have used the VDH set and found it good for the money. Whether you should upgrade depends on you. I did many years ago. After all, there are far better wet shaving products every traditional shaver should experience. Good luck.



  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yep, that's what we would call a starter set. Of course if you like it then it's for you however until you sample better quality you won't know whats out there.

    It's like the guy who buys a Yugo for his first car and never having driven anything else thinks it's the best car in the world.
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  6. #6
    Member STEVENMITCHELL's Avatar
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    I have been using that brush for right at a year now. I do have a travel badger from edwin and jagger that I use occasionally but the boar vdh is my primary at the moment. I really disliked it up until recently but I didn't have the money to splurge on a good brush. It seems that after a year I am just now starting to get good lathers consistantly. I think some of it has to do with better technique and some of it with the bristles getting softer.

    As I type this however I am setting my first brush with a badger finest from TGN. I am very excited because my grandmother just gave me my grandpa's ever-ready brush that he used their entire marriage until he passed away, along with his old spice shaving mug. I am looking forward to using a fuller badger compared to my travel brush. It may just take you more time to break it in a little better so don't give up on it if you like it. I still lose bristles every day but only one or two.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Many of us started with the VDH set, and some still love them. Others who want to economize while still trying more luxurious brushes have discovered Frank's excellent brushes. I'm loving the silvertip badger, personally.

    Shave Brushes
    There are many roads to sharp.

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