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Thread: Plisson w/ Real-Ivory Handle?

  1. #1
    Beaker bevansmw's Avatar
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    Default Plisson w/ Real-Ivory Handle?

    Saw some ivory handled brushes on rassageplisson, quite the price, any chance anyone knows if its possible to import this to the US?

    Just curious

  2. #2
    MHV is offline
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    It's pre-convention ivory :

    You should read USA regulations on pre-regulation ivory imports. At any rate, the country is already an important nexus of illegal ivory trade, so you might want to be careful someone in the customs does not "misread" your certificate...

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I'd love one of those. The spirit is willing but the bank account is weak.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I deal in alot of Ivory,the answere is,Don't do it.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You can buy it but receiving it is another story. Just be prepared to wait a long time while fish and wildlife check out the paperwork to verify everything.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    The paperwork means almost nothing when exporting or importing Elephant Ivory.
    case in point:I just ran an 80 lb Tusk thru my bandsaw,Is all Import stamped,100% legal.
    How do I prove that The brush handle I made for you came from said tusk?
    I cannot,it can and has been done with Carbon 14 testing in major smuggling cases,they actually use the timeframe of when we dropped the big Bomb on Japan as a refferance point.
    You will most likley have no Issue getting the item from Plisson as it will most likly go thru customs no Problem.
    Plisson is not going to write on the custom docs (IVORY BRUSH) in large print.
    Is a chance tho the Item will be confiscated and you will never recieve it,your call.

  7. #7
    Senior Member ats200's Avatar
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    You could possibly contact Plisson and as if there have been problems in the past. Even then you will have to trust their word

  8. #8
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    I actually ordered one of those, but was forced to cancel my order.
    I called my local customs office here in Norway, and they could not guarantee it would be allowed in.
    It seemed they had a rather arbitrary way of studying the paperwork shipped with the product.
    They could not tell me what papers were needed to make sure it was allowed through Customs, so I decided to not take the chance.
    I went for horn instead.
    But one thing is for sure, them ivory brushes are beautiful
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  9. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It's not so much Customs. It's the call of fish and wildlife they deal with animal products and endangered species. Customs just acts as their agent. The issue is if the brush was manufactured by Plisson and they have paperwork for their source and certify it's origin and there is a chain of custody to the retailer or anyone else who handled it you would probably be okay. It's not like you were buying a chunk of tusk from some importer as they are an established retailer. The question is would they do this for you? The answer is probably no. Even if they do there is no guarantee it will be passed. probably yes definitely no.

    I say this as a retired Immigration and Customs Enforcement Special Agent.

    The only thing I will tell you is there is an awful lot of preban stuff floating around out there considering the stuff was banned in the 1970s where has it all been hiding all these years? I know when I was working we were very skeptical. The other alternative for supply is time to time they cull the herds in S Africa and that stuff is legal if you have the paperwork and it has to be verified by the S African Government. The U.S will allow it if you can meet the bar which is very high cause you need to import the entire tusk not pieces. most countries will no allow it period.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Is out of Hiding because as of 2008 the new fed edict is any Ivory that is in the U.S NOW is legal.
    Is still a fed offense to Import or export white ivory,marine Ivory is also verboten unless fossil (pre 1970, with proof it was legally harvested.
    The per/lb price of white Ivory has tanked in the past two yrs bigtime
    The price of gem quality Mammoth has Quadrupled because the Russians control the market and have the goods.

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