I would like to try one of his small scuttles but they don't seem to stay unsold more than a couple hours. When I contacted him last week he said he wont be having anymore for awhile because he just doesn't have the time to make them. Then I started looking at his african violet pots and they do indeed look a lot like a scuttle.

I've tried looking at the ceramic flower pots at Walmart and all the local hardware stores but alas this year they have all succumbed to mass produced, cheap plastic pot fever. All the self watering pots I've found are 2 plastic bowls with slots cut between that demand the soil inside act as a wick. That's not even good for plants because submerging the soil like that causes the roots to rot. So I headed back to Wally World and went to look at bowls in the kitchen section. I can't find two that fit the way I want that aren't more expensive than Becker's african violet pots (and that even includes shipping.) I like a pretty kitchen as much as the next gal but get real. I don't care if Paula Dean endorses it. She doesn't cook at my house.

Becker's flower pots are pretty and cheaper even than his elusive scuttles. The only part I question is the inside diameter of the inner pot. They all seem to be right around 2 1/4 - 2 1/2 inches. Think that's too small?
