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  1. #1
    Member JXLT's Avatar
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    Default Meaning of number classifications of H.L Thater brushes?

    Could someone explain what the numeric classifications on the Thater brushes mean. I'm probably about to upgrade to a Thater brush but I would like to know a little more about what I'm buying. For example, the 4292/6 B 28mm two band finest silver tip fan, is obviously a 28mm knot size with a black handle but what does the "4292/6" actually mean? How would a "4125/3" differ? Any help with this would be great. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by JXLT View Post
    Could someone explain what the numeric classifications on the Thater brushes mean. I'm probably about to upgrade to a Thater brush but I would like to know a little more about what I'm buying. For example, the 4292/6 B 28mm two band finest silver tip fan, is obviously a 28mm knot size with a black handle but what does the "4292/6" actually mean? How would a "4125/3" differ? Any help with this would be great. Thanks.
    In one of the examples you gave, the 4292/6 brush in particular, the number 4292 denotes the model number of the shaving brush, while the number 6 indicates the size of the shaving brush of the given model number. A size 6 is quite large for a Thäter brush. The given specifications of the Thäter brushes can be deceiving, too. A rule of thumb has been to add 2mm to the given knot diameters of Thäter shaving brushes. This discrepancy has been thought to be due to the manufacturer giving the knot diameters of the brushes at the bottom of the badger knots, instead of the typical measurements at the "necks" of the shaving brush handles. If you are still confused, I would recommend you email the manufacturer.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by altshaver View Post
    In one of the examples you gave, the 4292/6 brush in particular, the number 4292 denotes the model number of the shaving brush, while the number 6 indicates the size of the shaving brush of the given model number. A size 6 is quite large for a Thäter brush. The given specifications of the Thäter brushes can be deceiving, too. A rule of thumb has been to add 2mm to the given knot diameters of Thäter shaving brushes. This discrepancy has been thought to be due to the manufacturer giving the knot diameters of the brushes at the bottom of the badger knots, instead of the typical measurements at the "necks" of the shaving brush handles. If you are still confused, I would recommend you email the manufacturer.
    Thanks, I placed my order for my first high-end brush this morning. I opted for the Thater 4292/3 I 22mm Two Band Finest Silver Tip. I appreciate the explanation and the help.

  4. #4
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    My Thater brush should be arriving tomorrow. I can't wait to try out my first silver-tip. I should have about 2 or 3 days of beard growth for the occasion.

  5. #5
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    I love this brush. It's the perfect combination of stiffness with velvety, soft tips. The lather from this is thick and creamy.
    I was honestly a lil shell-shocked after the initial purchase but any touch of buyer's remorse was gone without a trace after my first shave.

  6. #6
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    I am glad you like your new brush. Thäter brushes are generally well reviewed, so I am not at all surprised you are enjoying yours. After a while of use, please feel free to provide a formal review of it in the Shaving Brush Review Section. Thanks for providing your initial perception of the brush.
    Last edited by altshaver; 01-05-2012 at 01:11 AM. Reason: Typo

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