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Thread: My brush fell apart

  1. #21
    Senior Member thuktunflishithy's Avatar
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    Here's what I ended up with. I didn't do a fancy job since I wasn't really expecting it to work. I had half a flashlight kicking around from something, I have no idea why I cut it in half and what I did with the other piece but I had it so I set the knot in there. To fix the knot I wrapped thread around the base really tightly, partially to keep it from falling apart when I cut off the glue and partially to keep the new glue from penetrating too far up the knot. Then I cut away the old glue blob. To re-glue the knot I used something I know people will say was a bad idea but it worked so I'm happy with it, CA. The trick is careful application, you don't want too much. It penetrated the hairs enough to bind them all but didn't go beyond the thread wrap so the upper portion of the knot is still soft and poofy. I wrapped the base of the knot in a bit of scrap fabric since it is a smaller diameter then the flashlight body and then epoxied it in.

    I haven't lathered up with it yet but it already isn't shedding as much, all I had to do before was brush my hand across it a few times and hairs would fall out, not anymore. I'll test it out tomorrow since I already shaved today. Not the prettiest but it works and is super light, I'll be using this camping I think since I like to have a really light kit when camping.

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  2. #22
    Senior Member thuktunflishithy's Avatar
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    The inside of it is threaded, if I can fashion some sort of cap for it I could put shaving cream or shredded soap in there, even better for camping, at least short trips since it won't hold much.

  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Bet that puppy works to perfection,an applicator of shaving soaps/Creams,is in no way rocket science,Enjoy

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