I post here because I am not sure it's OK to post this on the ohter sites (SMF in particular seems a bit intolerant?)

What would you choose between the two brushes? One is EJ / MP with some ultra rare unseen before Finest silvertip (except in a single $400 brush) and the other is Rooney Super by, you guessed it, Rooney.

I have a Rooney Super (for sale, actually) and it's very nice but I can't help wanting to try the EJ Finest. The B&B EJ brush should have the springiness of a PJ with a much softer / more luxurious tips. The catch is the brushes are going to sell for the same price - I wonder how is this possible...

Anyway, the SMF Rooney is not really an option for me, I would either get the B&B or a Simpson Super, or Rooney Finest, etc. Just wanted to see what you guys think
