I've been using my Pistachio Retro for a few weeks now. It's probably the softest feeling brush I have. I have to say, man, this thing is one giant dense puffball of fur. I think it may have more badger hair in it than an actual badger. It takes about two swipes to coat a whole side of my face. When bloomed its the size of a cheerleader Pom Pom haha. After shaving and rinsing it I always end up squeezing out a ton of more cream and water from the core of the brush. It kind of makes me feel wasteful. It's a beautiful show piece but after using it I think I may have a preference for a slightly smaller or at least less dense brush. My QED Select has a 24mm knot but its not quite as dense and I think just about hits the sweet spot for me. I'll probably use the Muhle once a week or so but probably not very day. Shoot, I think I takes a whole 24 hours or more to dry out anyway!