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Thread: Badger virgin seeks to get badgerized -- need advice on handles

  1. #1
    Member SingingSteel's Avatar
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    Default Badger virgin seeks to get badgerized -- need advice on handles

    Six months into wet-shaving, I'm having an absolute ball. Ok, so my original motivation -- to free myself from McShaving slavery, find delight in shaving, while controlling costs -- is a mixed success in the budget department. Nonetheless, I soldier on -- with my eagle eye market research/shopping skills and entrepreneurial flair, I endeavor to explore and enjoy some of the near-best stuff out there for prices I can actually live within.

    I've essentially got one good brush: an Omega boar knot on a B&B handle -- quite a delight. (Ok, I've also got a BestShave $2.50 horsehair, but that's going to become a gift for a teen newbie.) I'm still a badger virgin, and the itch is growing.

    I'm on a very tight budget, starting up a new enterprise, so will probably have at best just one boar, badger, and hopefully horse brush for the next year or so, so I want the best badgery brush experience I can get for up to ~$30.

    Leading candidates thus far:

    I'd love to find the least expensive handle that would fit that knot or someone who'd make one like that pictured, a chubby-homage. Here's the hard part: my handle budget is around $15. Suggestions are very welcome!
    Last edited by SingingSteel; 06-17-2013 at 06:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Airportcopper's Avatar
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    Look into Franks shaving brushes guys rave about them here and I believe there very well priced .

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Dunno what to tell you about handles. What I would say about the knot is that a short loft (height of the bristles from the top of the handle to the top of the bristles) and the diameter of the knot at the base, (where the knot/handle juncture is) will have an impact on how the brush performs and feels on your face.

    In general a two band will be scrubbier than a standard knot. A short loft will also be scrubbier, if it is scrubby at all, but I have found taller lofts that are scrubby amongst higher grades. Backbone is also a consideration. Again 'in general' a taller loft may be 'floppy' but not necessarily.

    Thicker diameter can add to backbone but it also, IME, can make it more difficult for the knot to release lather, and use more soap. I think 23mm is a nice compromise, though I have a couple 26mm knots that are real good. Just IMHO.

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to JimmyHAD For This Useful Post:

    pinklather (07-17-2013), Stozzberry (07-17-2013)

  5. #4
    Member Raven312's Avatar
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    If you order the knot from Mr Chen, be prepared to wait at least a month. He is not the fastest shipper, nor is he a very good communicator. Obviously, this comes from experience... I cannot tell you if the product is worth the wait, as I have not received my knots from him yet.

  6. #5
    Senior Member IndependenceRazor1's Avatar
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    Tweezerman brush is very good for $10-15.
    Really lathers very well and nice and scratchy stiff.
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  7. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    it's hard to give general advice on brushes because there are no standards so what one maker calls a finest or super or 2 band or Manchurian may bear little resemblance to what another calls it. The best bet is either sample some yourself if you have a retailer nearby or go by what the members say based on their experience.
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  8. #7
    Member SingingSteel's Avatar
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    Yeah, I've heard it's one month shipping from the misty mountains of Hubei. Dealing with Chinese badger (farmers/breeders/trappers?) is all about cutting out middlemen and cost, which means you also cut out English language skills and customer service.
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven312 View Post
    If you order the knot from Mr Chen, be prepared to wait at least a month. He is not the fastest shipper, nor is he a very good communicator. Obviously, this comes from experience... I cannot tell you if the product is worth the wait, as I have not received my knots from him yet.

  9. #8
    Member Raven312's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SingingSteel View Post
    Yeah, I've heard it's one month shipping from the misty mountains of Hubei. Dealing with Chinese badger (farmers/breeders/trappers?) is all about cutting out middlemen and cost, which means you also cut out English language skills and customer service.
    He seems to speak English well enough; he just doesn't keep his word. His feedback was marginal compared to others I looked at but knowing that I wouldn't lose the money made me adventurous. I'm hanging in there because I have several brushes and this order is for a couple of restores. I'm hoping it turns out to be a nice product.

  10. #9
    Member SingingSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raven312 View Post
    He seems to speak English well enough; he just doesn't keep his word. His feedback was marginal compared to others I looked at but knowing that I wouldn't lose the money made me adventurous. I'm hanging in there because I have several brushes and this order is for a couple of restores. I'm hoping it turns out to be a nice product.
    How do you know you wouldn't lose money? He could always deliver garbage, if he delivered at all. Can't wait to learn more about what you got, why, and how it turns out. Thanks!

  11. #10
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    I have a couple of Frank Shaving brushes, they came pretty quickly, and I like them a lot.

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