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Thread: Make your own brush knot, Simmons patent 1932.

  1. #1
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Default Make your own brush knot, Simmons patent 1932.

    Patent from Harry E Simmons, 1932 simple brush knot.

    Name:  Patent brush knot1.jpg
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    DESCRIPTION (OCR text may contain errors)
    g- 30, 1932- H.- E. SIMMONS 1,875,167
    Filed April 22. 1931 INVENTOR ATTORNEYE Patented Aug. 30, 1932 UNITED STATES PATE T OFFICE.
    may a. summons, or 'roLEno, onio Application filed April 22,
    . soften the heard.
    My invention provides for an entirely new method. It is a very inexpensive device that combines both the brush and the softening agent such as soap, etc., into a single unit that can be moistened and used once, and then discarded. V
    For purposes-of illustration, but not of limitation, an embodiment of the invention is shown on the accompanying drawing, in which:
    Figure 1 is a plan view of the first step employed in making the brush in which the strands are looped;
    Figure 2 shows the next step in the method in which one end of the loop is bound;
    Figure 3 is a plan view of the next succeeding step in which the opposite end of the loop is cut off or looped to provide the brush end; and
    Figure 4 is a plan view of the shaving brush in its final form.
    One practical method of constructing my invention may be as follows, with. the numerals and letters referring to the attached draw '%1ISil many equal loops are made with string, twine, jute or hemp fibers, or fabricspreferabl with jute or hemp fib rs of a fine, semi-sti nature.
    Oneend of the looped material is bound about as illustrated by letter (0) of Figure 2. The opposite ends are then clipped off evenly, leaving the man loose ends as illustrated by letter (6) of igure 3, giving the device a brush-like construction.
    The bound end of this device may then be dipped in any substance such as glue, varnish, nitro-cellulose, sealing wax, or any other 1931. Serial No. 581,932,
    suitable material that would harden or dry, thus making an efficient handle forthe .device. This feature is illustrated by letter ((1) of Figure 4.
    The brush end of the device, as ill'a zstrated in the drawing by letter (1)) of Figures 3, t
    is then impregnated, as shown at (e) in Figure 4, with the shaving lathering,.or beardsoftening substance, or compound, or any of the many materials used to soften or prepare the beard for shaving. This can be accomplished by either dipping the brush end into a solution of the impregnating material and'allowing to dry, or by dusting the material in a dry form into the brush. After the brush has been impregnated with the shaving material it may be placed in a container of cellophane, or other suitable material, to retain the shaving material in place.
    The device is then completely ready for use. To use it, it is necessary only to moisten the brush end with water and rub or agitate on the face or surface to be shaved.
    After using once the device may be discarded as the cost is low.
    Some of the advantages of my invention are as follows:
    Many times in traveling the shaving brush and shaving cream are forgotten, and my in ion will make a very inexpensive and convenient substitute.
    For every-day use my device will be more sanitary and aseptic to use as it could be purchased sealed in a suitable envelope or container, used once and then discarded. It is entirely possible that the regular old-style shaving brush on a shelf could collect dust and harmful bacteria which would then be transmitted to the face by contact.
    The inexpensiveness of my invention is also a very practical advantage.
    The foregoing detailed description has been given for clearness of understanding only, and no unnecessary limitations should be understood therefrom, either in construction methods or in materials used, but the appended claims should be construed as broadly as permissible in view of the prior art.
    , r. i a p 7 1,870,167
    What I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is:
    1. Asa new article of manufacture, a shaving brush having a plurality of folded strands of ve etable matter, means binding 5 the folded endsof 'saidstrands, and a dried lastic substance completely enclosing! said? inding means andnthe looped ends of the strands providing a casing and handle there- 5 ier, and shaving soap impregnating the free ends ofjthe strands, said strands being orous i v whereby to absorb and retain the s aving' soap.
    2. Asa new article of manufacture, a shaving brush having a pluralityof strands of J p vegetable matter, means binding the strands at one end thereof, andadried plastic sub- 7 stance completely enclosing said binding means andthe'adjacentends of the strands providing a casing and handle therefor, and shaving soap impregnating the free ends: of I the strands said. strands being porous whereby to absor and retain fheshaving soap.
    In testimony whereof I have hereunto signed my ame to this s ecificati'on. HARRY SIMMONS.
    Lynn, JimmyHAD, 32t and 10 others like this.

  2. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Martin103 For This Useful Post:

    Geezer (01-11-2015), HARRYWALLY (01-11-2015), Hirlau (01-12-2015), Trimmy72 (01-12-2015)

  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    hmm disposable brush ?
    "quote'''' My invention provides for an entirely new method. It is a very inexpensive device that combines both the brush and the softening agent such as soap, etc., into a single unit that can be moistened and used once, and then discarded. " Unquote"

    Sounds easy till you get the badger down and try to shave his hair off :<0) Come to think of it a Boar wouldn't be so easy to shave either. I suggest horse.
    Martin103 and Chevhead like this.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  4. #3
    Senior Member Tarkus's Avatar
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    Heck if I knew it was so easy.
    Martin103 likes this.

  5. #4
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Ok... Where do I get some badger hair???

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  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I could have used this a couple weeks ago.....I made an 18mm horse hair knot and a 30mm Horse hair knot. Struggled keeping everything together. I ended up wire tying the base and dipping it in epoxy. I think this would have been easier perhaps. I'll try this, I have horse hair left. Thanks for sharing!!

    I'm struggling with Fig. 1 the closed loop
    Last edited by Trimmy72; 01-12-2015 at 02:11 AM.
    Martin103 likes this.

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