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02-08-2016, 09:49 PM #1
Latest brush - Rhodendron and 22mm horse knot
After a while away from the lathe, I have been dabbling with turning again.
I read about the horse knots that some folks are using, and I ordered some from Virgina Sheng.
I can't figure how to rotate the image.
here it is next to a Semogue 1800 for size comparison.
The wood has some history: I live in a place called Steveston - and I live across the street from the old Steves family farm, after whom the 'town' is named.
About 8 years ago we had a bad windstorm and it blew over a bunch of trees in the neighbourhood - including a 100 year old rhododendron from the Steves front yard. I ran over and scrounged some of the wood (wood tuners disease). A section of the main trunk was probably 12" across. I grabbed a lot of main branches - all around 3 to 4 inches wide.
Rhodendron is relatively hard, turns well and is very similar to boxwood - but not as heavy.
I finished this with 4 coats of Tru-oil.
The knot seems pretty dense - i REALLY stinks - very mothballs - I lathered it up three times with Proraso and then soaked it in dish liquid and borax. seems to be de-stinkifying....
02-09-2016, 12:19 AM #2
I really like the shape of that. that is probably my favorite style of brush. how does horse hair feel? seems like it would be very scratchy.
The Following User Says Thank You to tintin For This Useful Post:
bman40 (02-09-2016)
02-09-2016, 01:00 AM #3
Nice work! I wonder about that Rhodendron. Seems that is of the shrub family? Should it be stabilized or not?
Either way, looks great! I like the shape. Horsey brushes take a stink like no other.
After the first stanky try, I dunked my Vie Long in a coffee cup with 2 tablespoons of oxyclean for a few hours. (3 times!)
Fixed that! I love the brush, though. Horse seems to fall right between some boars and softer badgers, to me.
(after it is de-stunk!, that is)"Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
I rest my case.
The Following User Says Thank You to sharptonn For This Useful Post:
bman40 (02-09-2016)
02-09-2016, 02:03 AM #4
dry it feels smoother than the Semogue boar - but with the soap its still pretty scratchy. Nice but scratchy.
02-09-2016, 02:06 AM #5
Shaptonn - yep -its a shrub. I have never stabilized wood - so I will just leave it to the shaving gods. It has been drying for years now, so I think its stable. I turned a small bowl when it was green - and it split, twisted and warped really badly.
I washed it again after I used was pretty funky. After washing it again (with shampoo) its a bit better. I think it will be gone in a few days.
* I should have made the hanlde a bit larger....the knot is a bit out of scale... but it works well.. I was channelling my inner Richard Raffan (aussie god of turning) and was working to 'refine the curve....' above the foot. Took a bit too much wood away.
Its a live and learn moment - free wood, $3 brush knot and half hour of time... no loss either way. I like the shape too. I also should have drilled the body out a bit and tossed in some bb's for some extra weight.
Thanks for the comments folks.Last edited by bman40; 02-09-2016 at 02:10 AM.
The Following User Says Thank You to bman40 For This Useful Post:
sharptonn (02-09-2016)