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Thread: Attempting a couple brushes

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  1. #1
    Senior Member xiaotuzi's Avatar
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    Default Attempting a couple brushes

    I've recently been getting more into different brushes and now I find myself trying to make a couple handles. I have no prior experience with brush handles and only simple tools. But I have a couple knots on the way so I'm trying my hand at making something that is functional and possibly will look alright too.

    I've only just begun but here's what I have so far. I have a thick (2 inch) slab of bubinga that I picked up a few years ago at a local hardwood dealer and I also have a chunk of "choke cherry" that I rough cut with a chainsaw from a tree I took down maybe 16 years ago.
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    I cut a piece out of each with a hand saw and then rough shaped with a small plane
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    Then I shaped them into cylinders with a rasp.
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    That's all I have so far. I don't know what shape I will make them and I need to study about the hole and setting the knot in there. I don't have a lathe so I plan on just shaping them into something by hand. Again, first attempt, limited tools and experience, just going for functional mostly and if it works I'll be happy with them. Anything I should know before moving forward?
    "Go easy"

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    Dieseld (01-03-2017), Geezer (11-22-2016)

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