To promote more forum participation by the members, we are making a small change to the rules for the giveaway:
Signing up for the giveaway is not changing, however in order to be eligible to win you must have made forum posts on four separate days between the ending of the previous raffle and the drawing of the current one. One of these four can be your post to the Giveaway.
It doesn't matter where your raffle entry falls among these posts; all we ask is that you post a few times in the course of the one month period before the closing of the current giveway.
The above process needs to be repeated for each monthly Giveaway.
Starting with this thread the SRP JULY 2014 GIVEAWAY will start.
This giveaway will last for fifteen days finishing at 11:59 pm EST on July 15th, 2014.
When you sign in your post number will be your raffle number and from that number the winners will be chosen.
These giveaways are for ALL members regardless of how long they have been members as long as the rules above are followed.
I would ask that when you sign in you say something like "sign me up please" along with any comments you care to make otherwise I will not know if you are signing up or just making a comment. If you have already signed up please do not post again as that will take up another post number. Please, if you are not signing up do not make any comment posts as this will also take up another post number. I will be checking on double posts and will PM you if you have made one and the latest one will be deleted. On the day after the closing I will notify the winner and get their address and mail out the prizes. There will be two winners with the first prize being a bit better than the other one.
FIRST PRIZE:[/COLOR] #1. A shave ready 11/16 shave ready C-Mon Cadillac razor donated by an anonymous donor. #2. A Straight Razor Designs 2" wide Black Latigo Strop with Leather Handle donated by Phrank to say thank you for a great year of membership. #3. A tube of MYSTIC sensitive shaving cream with bisabolol donated by dustoff003.
SECOND PRIZE: #1. A brass colored Dual Edge Razor and a pack of Treet double edged razors both donated by an anonymous donor. #2. A tube of ARKO Mens Ice Mint shaving cream donated by dustoff003.