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Thread: Am I Evil?

  1. #21
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    We may like to think we are very civilized in our world where we have law order and balance, but take those out of the equation and you will be surprised how quick we revert back to our true being the ultimate predator a tiny step from the beast within, no matter how much you want philosophize we see over and over decade after decade man creating the most horrendous of crimes against humanity, take Rawanda Yugolslavia Syria people who were once neighbours and friends marching them out into the streets systematically killing them as if the were ants under their feet, when people ask me could you kill someone my answer would be when man as been doing so for every decade I've been alive and long before and long after, my answer would be am I any different to them under the right circumstances no I'm not so the question would be why wouldn't you kill someone not would you kill someone?
    Last edited by celticcrusader; 09-16-2013 at 11:22 AM.
    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

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  3. #22
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    I think a thought here is always motivation. The fact that we're, "thinking" of the ramifications a decision will have on others means we have morals and a conscience. It may be a difficult decision, it may even be the wrong decision, but conflicting thoughts and inner arguments occurred.

    Now the difference is, absent these inner discussions, and you start to fall very closely to being a psychopath, here's an interesting test and take on this very subject.

    As Spock says, I found this fascinating, "Are you a Psychopath":

    Are You a Psychopath? Take the Test. - YouTube

  • #23
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Just don't cross over into the darkside Carl.(Sinister Music starts playing) Go to the light Carl.
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  • #24
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    For me I think the first question is if you believe in a sky daddy or not. I don't so my soul is in no peril and ends justify the means. Saying that also implies that you can live with the resulting fallout of any given action.
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  • #25
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    I don't see any problem with it, but then my moral compass, fashioned by my upbringing and 20 years of military service, is different than yours. Would I kill in self defense? Yes, I have. Would I kill in defense of others? Again, yes I have. Would I kill preemptorily to stop evil from ocurring? Well , as a Sniper, that,s pretty much my job description. I am actually a very humorous, caring and pleasant individual, but you might read this and the number of things I've done and think to yourself, "Carl, old Darth is just evil. He callously kills those who cross his path." You on the other hand, seem like a very pleasant and charming individual. However, if you wouldn't lift a finger to defend a child who was about to get murdered because you felt it was wrong, then I definitley would think you were evil. I suppose it is all a matter perception. Here is how perception clouds things.

    We were somewhere interrogating a suspect who we KNEW was an IED maker/implanter. When questioned under polygraph, and asked if he was a terrorist, he answered no and the needle didn't move. When asked if he had used bombs to murder innocent women and children, he answered no and the needle didn't move. I was called in, looked at the transcripts, and went in. I phrased my questions like this:

    Are you an Islamic freedom fighter who committs violent acts in the name of Jihad? Answer was no, but the needle jerked everywhere.

    Have you made and emplaced bombs that killed Shia women and children in a crowded marketplace? Answer was no, but the needle was everywhere.

    You see, he didn't THINK he was a terrorist. He was a freedom fighter. The people he killed weren't innocent to his warped Sunni Muslem mind, they were American, Shia or Jews. So he had no problem answering our questions because he wasn't a "terrorist" and he didn't kill "innocent" people. Think of it in terms of sex. You and your wife have sex, and have a 69. it is filmed secretly, and the Vatican Police (I use this as an absurd example because technically, sex is only for procreation, so the 69 position would be consuidered a sin to these people) bring you in for questioning. They have you and your spouse on tape, and know they have you dead to rights. They ask you, "are you a sexual deviant?" You are protestant and have no idea why you are there but you know you aren't a pedophile and you don't own a gimp suit, so you say "no." They are flabbergasted so they ask you again, do you ever have sex in abberant and strange positions, like a deviant?" You think to yourself, man, the wackiest thing I've ever done is 69 my wife, so "No." Then they say, any position other than the missionary is illegal in this country and is considered behavior punishable by death. Have you ever had sex in any position other than the missionary position for the express purpose of fathering children? you don't to die so you lie and say "No" but the needle on the polygraph is all over the map, indicating you are lying. So you answered the same question multiplle times, but your perceptions changed your answer.
    Last edited by Darth; 09-16-2013 at 12:32 PM.
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  • #26
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    I was having a little trouble with Darth's answer for a split second, but I realised I also failed the morality test in the above video. I had the fat man over the side without a thought!

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  • #27
    Member Darth's Avatar
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    I should have changed it up for Australians. Are you a sexual deviant?

    No mate.

    Do you have sex with sheep?

    I'm from New Zealand so yeah.


    I kid I kid. I don't want any angry kiwis coming after me.
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  • #28
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Damn it that reminds me now I've got to get rid of my gimp suit
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  • #29
    Senior Member crouton976's Avatar
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    Okay, just gotta get this outta the way:

    Metallica- Am I Evil? (Studio Version) - YouTube

    In regards to you being evil for taking the life of one who will commit evil and murderous deeds, I would say no. Even taking religious matters into account, I would still answer the same way.

    Carl, I've no idea if you are a Christian (I used to be), but, Christianity teaches that if you have accepted your salvation, that's it... you do not have to worry about sin any longer. That doesn't give you a license to sin, but simply means that should you commit a sin, it's already been forgiven, so there is no damnation to Hell. Also, there are no big or little sins, either. It's like a plate glass window... it doesn't matter if you shoot a BB through it with an air rifle or ram a grand piano through it, either way, it has to be replaced. It's the same with sin & salvation. Sin is sin is sin is sin, and it always brings you short of God's holiness and perfection. Unless a person can live their entire life without sin (which Christianity teaches they cannot) they will be damned to Hell. It is only through Christ that salvation is attained, and a person needs only believe that Christ was God in the flesh and that he sacrificed himself to atone for the sins of the entire human race, past, present and future. A person can't say that they, after receiving salvation, could commit a sin that would damn them, since if that were the case, Christ's sacrifice would have been in vain. The way it is stated in the Bible is that Christ died "Once, for all", so to say that you could commit a sin after salvation that would send you to Hell would mean that He would have to be crucified all over again for each sin committed. Just accept your salvation, try to live as God would want you to, and don't worry about the times where you fall short.

    Also, along the same lines, Christ also said "Whatever you do to the least of these, you also do unto me". Well, I take that to mean that if you saw danger coming to an innocent person and did nothing to stop it, even if that meant killing a person, you would not be living up to what should.

    Again, I no longer believe in the Christian dogma, and I dunno if you do or not, but I get the feeling you at least lean that way. I just thought I'd share what I learned through my own research and study and experiences.
    "Willpower and Dedication are good words," Roland remarked, "There's a bad one, though, that means the same thing. That one is Obsession." -Roland Deschain of Gilead

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  • #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    I was having a little trouble with Darth's answer for a split second, but I realised I also failed the morality test in the above video. I had the fat man over the side without a thought!

    Thought kind of similar for a split second, then I thought well what if my mass could do it, then I thought what if the fat man were my friend and the 5 people were violent morons, then I stopped thinking about it.
    I wouldn't worry about the kiwi's Darth, I am sure you could take them out before they got anywhere near you.

    Edit- please note, this post is no reflection on New Zealanders.
    Last edited by edhewitt; 09-16-2013 at 01:59 PM.
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