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  1. #1
    Senior Member Einar's Avatar
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    Default Need some help on iphone

    Trying to find out why my apps are reseting all the time. Like now I replied to a tread here and then my lynn sharpening video in youtube reset. With my bad english I only find how to reset apps, not how to make them stop doing it them selves. Any one can find what to google?

  2. #2
    MWS is offline
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    Not sure I understand exactly. Do you have an iPhone with the new IOS7? It has a setting where it will automatically update your app's in the background now, rather than prompting you. When you swipe down to get to the Notification Center, under the ALL tab it will have the apps that have been recently updated in the background. This may be causing them to reset?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Einar's Avatar
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    Default Need some help on iphone

    Yes, have the new ios. They reboot in a way, and it seems random. Anoying when I watch a video, then surf or call, and when I try to continue with the video it's gone.

    Trying to turn it of now

  4. #4
    Senior Member Einar's Avatar
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    Did not help

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