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Thread: Any work is good work

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Finally, I have decided to chime in.

    (1) - The main point:
    Honest/moral work is good work.
    Dishonest/immoral work is NOT good work.

    (2) - elderly / USA
    In the USA, I do not believe social security was ever intended to be primary income, just supplementary.
    SS is a pyramid scheme, setup for many workers and few retired people - the pyramid is inverting.

    One of my investments is 6 born kids.
    They cost a lot of money for me to support.
    Hopefully at least one of them will help me when I get old, if I need such help.

    (3) Germany - was mentioned above.
    Based on reputation, Germans are hard workers.
    I had to throw that out there. I am not German.

    (4) USA -
    I think there is a generation of kids (USA) who do not know how to work.
    They want everything their parents had instantly (microwaves, vacations, new cars, etc).

    To make matters worst, there is a lot of artificial self esteem pushed on the kids.
    My kid's baseball team did not win their division.
    A parent was trying to set the kids up with trophies
    (fortunately the coach did not go for that - they lost).

    I have seen it - every kid gets a prize - we cannot all be winners every time - but the kids are taught that they are special. I say they are not special, unique YES, but not specially gifted in general.

    I read in the paper that construction jobs are going unfilled.
    Having been through oil field down cycles, I can see how this happens.
    The industry does into a down cycle, and folks find other lines of work.
    The industry has an up tick, and the industry has trouble finding workers.

    Our unemployment rate is pretty high here (do not believe the official numbers, people who give up looking are not counted as unemployed). The news article I referenced above cited a push to import foreign workers to do construction - while we have able capable people that do not want the jobs.

    (5) - If life were too easy:

    Then many of us would become spoiled.

    I have had it easy enough that I feel a bit spoiled.
    My house has air conditioning.
    I can pursue leisure activities.

    (6) - We are here for a purpose.


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  3. #32
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    I've been collecting SS for 18 years plus a small pension from a state back east and keep my son's books part time. All that puts me just above the max for food stamps and other gov't programs. I have, despite all the addictons of this hobby of str8's, [I] have become a penny pincher. I've also worked various part time jobs in the past 18 years but have decided no more at my age because of the disdain many younger co-workers have for the elderly "taking away their living". But I will say this. Within the community of straight razor users I have made several friendships with younger shavers who seem to value and enjoy the inane utterings of someone old enough to be their grandfather and can give as well as take in the exchange of ideas, methods and friendly poking.
    People seem to resent frugal living... except for my mother, who used to say, "She's cheap, I'm thrifty!" (and meant it), and single old men.
    You can have everything, and still not have enough.
    I'd give it all up, for just a little more.

  4. #33
    Senior Member mdwright's Avatar
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    I agree. All honest work is good work, regardless of the particulars.

  5. #34
    Senior Member mdwright's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    I have been out of work for two yrs, at my age I cannot find work,I make my brushes. I also recycle aluminum cans and scrap metal to suppliment my income,I enjoyed what I did for 43 yrs,Than I got offshored,any work to me is good work.NO JOB IS CRAPPY.I wish I had a job,any job.
    Do you sell? I'll buy a brush from you.

  6. #35
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Taking Jobs from younger people? Try to find younger people that will dig tree stumps,clean gutters,mow lawns,the list is endless
    For sure there is that too. OTH I have watch 35 year olds at where I used to work being made redundant. They had a family, a home and all the other bills and responsibilities too. They did not sit on their fannies moaning and dripping but found other employment. What choice did they have. This was 10 years ago.

    I retired early 4 years ago at 56 on a reduced company pension that luckily covers the bills and is supplemented by a government pension also drawn early this year and reduced. I have no major bills. Under these circumstances I am fortunate enough not to have to work, so far. I choose not but make no mistake, if I had to I would. All I am saying is that the system is broke. It is not the fault of anyone looking for work today no matter the age.

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    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  7. #36
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Having a job is better than not having one.
    However, having a job that you enjoy is immensely better than one that you need to drag yourself to every day.
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    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  8. #37
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    As to the title of this thread, "Any work is good work", I disagree, the decline of American wages has been horrific for the last 40 years. The American middle class worker is making about what they made in the 80s.

  9. #38
    Senior Member Luis's Avatar
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    I agree with Bill. People complain about their jobs all the time. I think with this economy it is difficult to feel unlucky when we are able to provide regardless of job satisfaction. I often find myself feeling unsatisfied until I find someone who has nothing to feel unsatisfied about.

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    “There's nothing more solemn than truth. There's no greater grievance to a tomb than hypocrisy, or a greater tribute to death than truth”

  10. #39
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne1963 View Post
    As to the title of this thread, "Any work is good work", I disagree, the decline of American wages has been horrific for the last 40 years. The American middle class worker is making about what they made in the 80s.
    You get hungry enough, you will work for whatever it takes to feed your family.
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  11. #40
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    In reply to the original post, I would be glad to be alive at 81 let alone able to even work at 81, ( as no male family member I know has lived to 80 so far " but I hope to break this trend ) the fact that she "must" work at 81 is sad rather than she works because it is something she likes.
    I have done a couple of years of unemployment in a area of few options getting by with what I could get with a young family, so I sympathise with those who are in this position it is not easy. But a 1300 km move and restart changed it all for me.
    As for Pixelfix looking at the beautiful pieces of art you produce I would love to see your products in stores online etc along side those of Livi on the likes of RSD especially your loom strops, which are absolute masterpieces that
    A: I wish I could afford but
    B: would be to scared to use in case I cut it or something stupid at this stage
    But we are the masters of our own destiny's so the changes must come from within to manifest externally into our lives

    “Come to the edge, he said.
    We are afraid, they said.
    Come to the edge, he said.
    They came to the edge,
    He pushed them and they flew.
    Come to the edge, Life said.
    They said: We are afraid.
    Come to the edge, Life said.
    They came. It pushed them...
    And they flew.”
    ― Guilliame Apollinaire French Poet.
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    to shave another day.

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