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Thread: Seminal Moments in Life

  1. #11
    Senior Member Mcbladescar's Avatar
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    I grew up in a fairly devout Christian home. I went to church pretty regularly throughout my childhood. I believe wholeheartedly in God and salvation but I did not become a "church goer" as I really do not like to be preached at. I truly believe in live and let live. I won't put my beliefs onto another, I really just want to be a good man. I also believe God to be merciful to fools and the good hearted. I would never intentionally bring harm to another who does not wish to bring harm to me. I only wish for a harmonious life. In the words of Bill and Ted " be excellent to one another"
    So I guess I got that from my childhood whenever that moment was.
    earcutter, BobH and Razorfeld like this.

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Am a christian, belive in the almighty,have never been to church,have never feared the lord or Jesus.
    I live my life as do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.
    never Lie, never cheat.
    actually I do go to church,Every morning at 4 AM,I sit in my back pourch,listen to the birds,whatch the sun come up,and thank god for what I am seeing.
    Dangerous within 1 Mile

  3. #13
    Senior Member str8tlkr's Avatar
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    There are many concepts being discussed in this thread that I could spend more time on than anyone wants hear about. I'll try to touch on a couple.
    On good and bad; if God does not exist, neither does good or bad. It is really only about what we like or dis-like and that is objective. In today's modern society, many things that were traditionally considered "bad" are now being accepted. In a Godless world, it really doesn't matter how we live our lives. However, today's society still has it's limitations; certain things that are still perceived as "bad" or "evil" (even though God is being taken out of it). For instance, I would get a lot of negative attention if I were to sacrifice one of my children. That, in today's society, would be considered very bad, even evil. However, if we decided to have an abortion, that would be much more acceptable (to most in today's world view). Is one any better than the other? Without God, they are no different. It is only how it is perceived.
    Now if I try to view the world in the eyes of God, I no longer make decisions based solely on what's in my best interests. I first have to consider that everyone around me was created by God and is loved by God. Everyone around me has just as much a right to be here as I do. If I consider the fact that God is "Our Father", than maybe these "restrictions" that we refer to are not necessarily a means to make us unhappy but a means to protect us. Do we tell our young children not to play in the street just for the sake of restricting their freedom? Or do we tell them not to play in the street because we love them and want what's best for them? Does the 3 year old understand this? Not at all. He/she cries when they can't get what they want. And so it is when we complain of the restrictions of religion. Do we claim to have all the answers? Who is smarter than the creator to say that I can do what I want as long as I don't hurt myself or someone else?
    earcutter likes this.

  4. #14
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by str8tlkr View Post
    There are many concepts being discussed in this thread that I could spend more time on than anyone wants hear about. I'll try to touch on a couple.
    On good and bad; if God does not exist, neither does good or bad. It is really only about what we like or dis-like and that is objective. In today's modern society, many things that were traditionally considered "bad" are now being accepted. In a Godless world, it really doesn't matter how we live our lives. However, today's society still has it's limitations; certain things that are still perceived as "bad" or "evil" (even though God is being taken out of it). For instance, I would get a lot of negative attention if I were to sacrifice one of my children. That, in today's society, would be considered very bad, even evil. However, if we decided to have an abortion, that would be much more acceptable (to most in today's world view). Is one any better than the other? Without God, they are no different. It is only how it is perceived.
    Now if I try to view the world in the eyes of God, I no longer make decisions based solely on what's in my best interests. I first have to consider that everyone around me was created by God and is loved by God. Everyone around me has just as much a right to be here as I do. If I consider the fact that God is "Our Father", than maybe these "restrictions" that we refer to are not necessarily a means to make us unhappy but a means to protect us. Do we tell our young children not to play in the street just for the sake of restricting their freedom? Or do we tell them not to play in the street because we love them and want what's best for them? Does the 3 year old understand this? Not at all. He/she cries when they can't get what they want. And so it is when we complain of the restrictions of religion. Do we claim to have all the answers? Who is smarter than the creator to say that I can do what I want as long as I don't hurt myself or someone else?
    That in my opinion is extremely narrow mindedminded (no offence what so ever - please). I have no belief in godgod, and I don't go running around doing what I want! Entire nations formed and existed under the guise of no god. Russia and China to a degree, comes to mind.

    There is no need for a god to ensure civility or even a functional society. You should scour this concept with an open mind:

    Social contract - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I hope I haven't misunderstood your post.

  5. #15
    Senior Member str8tlkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    That in my opinion is extremely narrow mindedminded (no offence what so ever - please). I have no belief in godgod, and I don't go running around doing what I want! Entire nations formed and existed under the guise of no god. Russia and China to a degree, comes to mind.

    There is no need for a god to ensure civility or even a functional society. You should scour this concept with an open mind:

    Social contract - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I hope I haven't misunderstood your post.

    Earcutter, no offense taken. But I would say that believing in God is not narrow minded. I would say that not believing in God is narrow minded. By not believing; you are throwing out the idea that God could possibly exist. That is the definition of close minded. I'll believe in God until someone proves to me that He doesn't exist. There is too much evidence in front of me to convince me that He does. Without God, all of creation cannot be explained. The meaning of life cannot be explained. To ponder life's mysteries and then not consider the possibility of God is narrow minded.

  6. #16
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by str8tlkr View Post
    Earcutter, no offense taken. But I would say that believing in God is not narrow minded. I would say that not believing in God is narrow minded. By not believing; you are throwing out the idea that God could possibly exist. That is the definition of close minded. I'll believe in God until someone proves to me that He doesn't exist. There is too much evidence in front of me to convince me that He does. Without God, all of creation cannot be explained. The meaning of life cannot be explained. To ponder life's mysteries and then not consider the possibility of God is narrow minded.
    Like I said, I have pondered the possibility of god existing. Via more than one faith.

    I am glad you see god and his existence. Actually, I am rather jealous. I would love to have a friend in Jesus. My life would be SO much easier!! Do you have any idea how hard it is to believe in complete randomness and nothingness?? The black that is death?? Its spooky!! Or at least was.

    Alas, to me... the void that comes from a lack of enough introspection, is filled by the feeble, lazy, or brainwashed with a god. I can't find comfort in the Bibles version of creation or our place in the world with it. If I want to understand creation, its via science.

    Please believe me when I say I am jelious of those with faith. Please believe me when I tell you that I am sure that for you, I am positive faith gives your life more wholeness. Please understand for me, it would be living a lie and counter productive. That said, I still maintain we could have a perfectly functioning society, a "gentle" society... maybe even more gentle than the ones of late, without the existence of a god. God just makes it better for many.

  7. #17
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It's all a matter of perspective.

    To a righteous and pious man everything around him proves the existence of whatever deity he believes. To someone whose life is ruled by superstition he has the same degree of faith in the superstitions control of the world and him.

    To an atheist he sees no proof in these things and if anything the brutal facts of life prove otherwise.

    We as humans consider ourselves top dogs in the smarts department but personally I have always felt we are so constrained by our reality we have no ability to comprehend what goes on outside our world.

    Just a very simple task. Ask your self this, if the Universe is limitless what does this mean? Can it just go on forever? is that possible? if there is a limit what happens when you get into your starship and travel at Warp gadzillion and reach the end? Is there a wall? what's on the other side? Our reality is ruled by cycles and we are slaves to them and can't comprehend other.

    Many would say all belief systems began to help answer these questions and similar ones.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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